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The cumulative effect of these changes will result in objective offensive superiority of barbarians over Kensei's. I mean, this is digging a grave for Kensei's.
Here's a point for point comparison between the two, assuming that both are pure and half-orc:
Melee power: Pure fighter gets 70 (60 from tree, 10mp from 5 weapon spec/weapon focus related feats), Barbarian gets 28 with potential for 43 with special attacks. Fighter wins 27-42 melee power here.
Strength: Barbarian has a grand total of 22 with halforc, fighter gets a grand total of 12 (8 power surge, 2 capstone, 2 kensei tree). Barb wins a net of 10 strength, which is 15 damage with a 3x modifier.
- Add to this titan grip clickies and warforged titan cookies (since power surge still has that moronic "psionic bonus"), barbarian has a grand total of 16 net strength, which is actually 24 damage ahead.
Damage bonuses: Barbarian also has 6 damage from first fury core, and 6 PA. That's another 12 damage, 36 total now.
Weapon Dice Bonuses: Let's say they're using a greataxe, with a 1d12 + 6 profile. Barbarian receives 1[W] from raging blows, 2[W] from cracking attack and 1[W] from deadly weapons. Deadly weapons net benefits all non-kensei's because it stupidly and unjustly OVERRIDES one cut, the level 18 kensei core multiplier.
So, 1d12 + 6 = 12.5 average damage, x4 = 50 damage
So barb is now 36 from before + 50 = 86 net damage
Barbarian capstone clikie: Another 25 damage. 111 damage.
Fighter Damage Bonus: Weapon spec feats and kensei tree gets a total of 17 damage for two-handers.
Fighter wins a melee power advantage of 27-42 (depending on barbarian special attacks), but barbarian wins a net of (111 - 17), or 94 damage.
If we treat melee power as being roughly equal to 1 point of damage. Then barbarian wins a net total of 52-67 points of damage per swing.
STRIKE THROUGH CHANCE: Fighter receives NO UNIQUE BONUS. Barbarian is receiving a whopping 90%, or nearly 1 additional target on every hit, over fighter.
Barbarian Critical profile: With a greataxe, attack rolls of 2-17 deals X damage, Hit on an 18 deals 5x damage, hits 19-20 deal 6x damage. This amounts to 33x
Fighter Critical Profile: With a greaxe, attack rolls of 2-16 deals X damage, hit 17-20 deals 4x damage. This amounts to 31x
WIth one cut activated, this adds another X to attack rolls 17-20, increasing it to 35x. It has a 25% up time, so the weighted average = .25(35) + .75(31) = 8.75 + 23.75 = 32.5.
So if one cut is up 25% of the time, like it is supposed to, fighter's overall critical profile lags behind by .5x. With the one cut bug being overriden by deadly, fighter is effectively sitting at 31x vs. barbs 35x.
I guess in this situation, fighter has the 1[W] at least, so their net DPS is behind by (52-67 points of damage per swing) - 12.5. So, critical profile is far worse, and damage is still worse by 40-55 points of damage a swing.
Doublestrike is achievable to 100% on both characters as well, albeit barb would need an extra twist over fighter to achieve that.
With the cleave changes, supreme cleave becomes very powerful with a 3 second cooldown at a 100% doublestrike.
Oh, and keep in mind that barb gets this with all weapons. The kensei is stuck with the specific weapon selected.
Some unquantified differences:
Fighter receives a good death, shattering blow and deadly strike. Barbarian receives slaughter, tantrum, cracking attack.
Fighter receives haste boost in the tree. Barbarian would need haste boost twisted.
Defensively: Barbarian beats kensei in heavy armor as well, even with all the fighter heavy armor proficiency feats because of the innate 9% DR that barbs have on top of their PRR/MRR.
If we also incorporate improved uncanny dodge there and the larger hitpoint pool, barbarian is pulling significantly ahead of kensei.
Fighter would have to go into LD to benefit from stalwart stances if we want to make them defensively competitive to barbarian. But the loss of fury undermines this entire comparison, as this is for offense.
1. Please make one-cut stack with deadly weapons. Death frenzy doesnt get overriden, does it? Why should fighter suffer?
2. Change the power surge bonus to NOT be psionic. I mentioned this in the very thread when this was first done many years ago.They are not psions. And warforged titan gloves/cookies are unfairly benefiting non-kensei's. Once again kensei's get shafted in the face of temporary DPS buffs here...
2. Please incorporate additional strike through chances for kensei, as you did for paladin. Kensei's are weapon masters, how the hell is a paladin hitting more targets all the time?
3. Fighter capstone should lift the doublestrike cap by 15% as well. They get doublestrike bonuses that are to no benefit when barbarians are already reaching 100% on their own.