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  1. #21
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    Do none of the above and instead, if a Dual Shooter rolls a 1 one an attack round, they do a full attack round on themselves.

    Problem solved.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    3 seconds of your life that you will never get back...

    Before Inquisitives came out, Endless Fusillade was THE ranged solution. And it had exactly* the delay you're whining about.

    (* I want to say that DDO announced that EF would actually become a bit shorter, and now both EF and NHB would have the same slightly shorter delay. Not sure where I saw that now.)

    So, after having been spoiled with the on-demand ease of NHB, and everyone recognizing the massive DPS and tactical advantage it gave, going back to the delay of what had been awesome is now "unplayable"?

    EF delay was the main reason so many people didn't even bother with xbows before and NHB delay killed xbows after.
    And in case no one noticed they did ninja fix it to 2 second delay now. Still not playing the build.

    Everyone and their mother moved on to thrower builds that is just as good as pre-nerf Inquisitives.
    AND THE BEST PART? There are no stupid mid-combat delays.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Souless View Post
    The guys at SSG will never change this, unless the rest of you continue to complain about this NERF. I know it is painful to keep writing about this, but the xbow users of the world must unite! I'm saying it as loudly as I can: If SSG put this type of delay on casters SLA's the forums would erupt.

    The Bytcher~
    This was to be expected. We had endless fusillade for years and no one demanded that they get rid of the 3 second delay at the start. It was always part of the ability. You knew you were going to do some amazing damage, but you had to prepare by using it a few seconds before you needed it. No Holds Barred was just odd. I was so used to using Endless Fusillade over the years that I often would hit NHB too early, before I was ready to start firing, because I expected a delay. It is no surprise that this change occurred. As with Endless Fusillade you simply learn to plan when you are going to use it and start it a few seconds beforehand (I often hit EF as I am running into the next room before I have seen an opponent or when I am still hiding behind a corner preparing to ambush the next group).

  4. #24
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erethizon View Post
    This was to be expected. We had endless fusillade for years and no one demanded that they get rid of the 3 second delay at the start. It was always part of the ability. You knew you were going to do some amazing damage, but you had to prepare by using it a few seconds before you needed it. No Holds Barred was just odd. I was so used to using Endless Fusillade over the years that I often would hit NHB too early, before I was ready to start firing, because I expected a delay. It is no surprise that this change occurred. As with Endless Fusillade you simply learn to plan when you are going to use it and start it a few seconds beforehand (I often hit EF as I am running into the next room before I have seen an opponent or when I am still hiding behind a corner preparing to ambush the next group).
    EF initially had the cooldown at the end. The screaming was deafening when it went to a windup instead, but it remained a windup.

    Until the current release, if you paid attention you knew that EF had no windup with a non-repeating crossbow. Now, repeater, non repeater, EF, NHB all have the same windup. (I forgot to check GCB, but I expect them to also have the windup animation now)

    I'm running a rogue/wiz on HC at the moment. I'm currently convinced the only reason I made it past lvl 3 was my duo partner, who plays a strimtom acid arrow ranger.

    Damage sucks, I miss. ALOT. Half the time I see the animation, my ammo goes down but there are no indications at the target, no miss, no glance, no damage. Nothing. And yes, I hard target so I know what I'm shooting at, and I have precise shot so my partner and hirelings are not blocking my shots.

    Inq is, now, a non-dps build in my estimation. What it's supposed to do? No clue, but it really sucks at killing things.

  5. #25
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    The windup animation for NHB in EF is not popular. However, does not hurt the ability as much as many people describe that it does. This is not a game breaking ability one way or the other. And in no way has this change to NHB really been at the forefront of the ranged nerfs that happen a few updates ago. If anything, I would not categorize this change of NHB as a nerf. It simply brought NHB inline with EF. That is all.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenicis View Post
    EF initially had the cooldown at the end. The screaming was deafening when it went to a windup instead, but it remained a windup.

    Until the current release, if you paid attention you knew that EF had no windup with a non-repeating crossbow. Now, repeater, non repeater, EF, NHB all have the same windup. (I forgot to check GCB, but I expect them to also have the windup animation now).
    I don't know about light and heavy crossbows (like everyone else I didn't use them before Inquisitive came out), but I know EF had a windup animation for Great Crossbow both before Inquisitive was a thing and afterwards as well. I have literally never seen EF not have a wind-up animation at any point ever (though I have only ever used it with Great Crossbows and Repeating Crossbows). EF having a wind-up has been a normal thing for a very long time and it really isn't a problem. It is essentially like casting mass heal. You don't wait to use it until the very last second but instead use it a few seconds before you want it to work. The way it works is far from game breaking, but I do understand how nice it was to have it work instantly (though it was always strange to me that it worked that way for Inquisitive in the past).

  7. #27
    Community Member Souless's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    3 seconds of your life that you will never get back...

    Before Inquisitives came out, Endless Fusillade was THE ranged solution. And it had exactly* the delay you're whining about.

    (* I want to say that DDO announced that EF would actually become a bit shorter, and now both EF and NHB would have the same slightly shorter delay. Not sure where I saw that now.)

    So, after having been spoiled with the on-demand ease of NHB, and everyone recognizing the massive DPS and tactical advantage it gave, going back to the delay of what had been awesome is now "unplayable"?

    Never said it was unplayable...just useless...And annoying. But the point is still valid. While waiting for the animation to fire, the entire room can be cleared by a caster. And also, name any other ability in game that has this time delay. You can't, because there isn't one.

    If NHB was the reason for the OP-ness of inq.. why nerf IPS? The truth is, the combination of the 2 are what's providing the power.

    I'll suggest it again, put a 3 sec CD timer on insta-kills and all the casters across the land will complain! Or put a 3 sec delay on casting ANYTHING in the game and casters will have a fit. I'll say one more thing: make casters stand still to cast (no jumping, no running, no nothing of any sort like the rules of actual D&D say) and casters will complain like you've never seen before.

    The Bytcher~


  8. #28
    Community Member Souless's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    The windup animation for NHB in EF is not popular. However, does not hurt the ability as much as many people describe that it does. This is not a game breaking ability one way or the other. And in no way has this change to NHB really been at the forefront of the ranged nerfs that happen a few updates ago. If anything, I would not categorize this change of NHB as a nerf. It simply brought NHB inline with EF. That is all.
    I have been saying all along that EF and NHB should have the windup animation eliminated. NO OTHER ABILITIES in the game have this dumb-%^& time delay! It hurts the ability in that if u want to actually use the ability you either have to be a precog or have already run the quest. Even with prior knowledge the timing of it is difficult. If the ability isn't game breaking then remove the delay.

    It wasn't at the front because SSG slipped the change in (attempting to get it done under the radar) like: We have SSSOOOOOOOO many other ranged nerfs to complain about, the NHB/EF will be lost in the noise.

    And once again let me say EF should be brought in line with NHB be4 the nerf (and it is nerf!) and have the wind up animation removed.

    The Bytcher~
    Last edited by Souless; 05-12-2020 at 11:06 PM.

  9. #29
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    Regardless of my opinions on Inquisitive (which I DID like honestly, but meh, overplayed) I definitely think Cooldowns / Animation delays are something that pesters everyone in some way.

    I don't know what the exact solution would be, but the wind-up delay is definitely annoying. And it discourages certain panic-mode builds that rely on continuous fire for DPS.

    That time delay gets you killed, like caster Mordenkainen's Disjunction with a reaper up yer keister!

  10. #30
    Community Member Souless's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoVeryBelgian View Post
    Regardless of my opinions on Inquisitive (which I DID like honestly, but meh, overplayed) I definitely think Cooldowns / Animation delays are something that pesters everyone in some way.

    I don't know what the exact solution would be, but the wind-up delay is definitely annoying. And it discourages certain panic-mode builds that rely on continuous fire for DPS.

    That time delay gets you killed, like caster Mordenkainen's Disjunction with a reaper up yer keister!
    First off: I don't build "Panic-mode" builds. The continuous fire DPS is meaningless if the room is already cleared.

    2nd: Who would throw Mordenkainen's Disjunction at a reaper? Let's assume u have that spell in ur arsenal (unlikely as that is), why wouldn't u just throw something useful like Mass-Hold? Or Hold? Or Greater Ruin? Or Ruin? Or Dragon breath? Or any number of other spells or SLA's? Even D-Door is a better realistic option imo.

    The exact solution is simple: REMOVE IT FROM THE GAME!

    The Bytcher~

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