Your changes to No Holds Barred (delayed effect) make the ability annoying to use and not fun. This ability will become obsolete. You are killing entire play styles. Congratulations.
Your changes to No Holds Barred (delayed effect) make the ability annoying to use and not fun. This ability will become obsolete. You are killing entire play styles. Congratulations.
Forget all the other nerfs, even though they're ridiculous now in Preview 2.
NHB activation delay is the STRAW that broke the camel's back.
I don't care how much DPS any build did or didn't have, if I have to wait for 3 seconds while the mobs beat me down, I'm not playing it!!!
R.I.P Inquisitives...
will this nerf make taking tier 5 in other trees a viable alternative for inquisitives?
I believe they said that both NHB and EF have the same delay now with both being shorter than the live EF delay. They also can't be cheesed by item swapping.
I wasn't able to get on Lamania this round to test anything, but there are definitely a LOT of stacking nerfs to INQ. -50% doubleshot, longer reload, lower law damage, -20% with IPS, NHB delay....
Probably not. NHB was never the most important T5 - its the 30% alacrity. Diplo Immunity for auto-diplo to proc Observation, and the passive/active dodge in Uncanny, are arguably more important than NHB too unless you're building specifically for endless NHB.
Ratcatcher, Mech treating DXB as repeater...
So much this!
I posted about this during the 1st preview, but I got buried by everyone talking about everything else. On Lamland, the animation for NHB is painfully slow. Slower than Fusilage's is on live. There must be a better way to prevent the item swap cheese without adding three LONG seconds of slow movement and awkward animation at the beginning of this ability. Right now, despite saying it's an 18 second buff, it's really only a 15 second buff that makes you very vulnerable for 3 seconds before you can use it.
Fusilage's animation: tap your xbow then go nuts, takes about 1 second
NHB Lamland animation: Lower both arms then very slowly raise them again while slowing your movement as well, can't do anything while it's happening, takes about 3 seconds
Last edited by vryxnr; 01-31-2020 at 01:47 PM.
Both delay's should be removed. Or placed back at the end of the attack. NHB and EF should fire once clicked...the animation delay is dumb and worse, it makes it NOT fun. Lets NOT forget that this is a Tier 5 inq enh. (tier 4 for arti), so the investment in the tree is there (for everyone complaining that it's too easy to get). I can think of no other COMBAT ability (off hand) that has this extreme drawback. Manyshot, 10k stars, all the melee attacks, AND ALL SPELLS...none of them have this extreme drawback.
The Bytcher~
We feel your pain.
They nerfed the cr4p out of IPS for no reason, which didn't fix INQ (their "supposed" goal), just in time for them to release HCL and another ranged class at the same time.
It's a new record for them. Break a couple classes and feats, split the servers in half, and make another "OP-esque" class to sell which people HAVE to play to keep Completionist.
Yeeeeah, I can smell the BS from Pluto.
They removed action boost delay years ago. Shorten the up time, lengthen the cool down, anything but the activation animation it KILLS the boost dps from this tree.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
I'm going to reiterate....
This delay is dumb. I was running r5 yesterday with a sorc...He cleared the entire room minus 1 champ while my NHB was in the animation for the start of the attack...Champ takes 1 swing and kills my toon.. BEFORE I FIRE A SINGLE SHOT! Sorc kills the champ and rez's me 1 minute later...after he has solo-ed the next wave of mobs.
great idea devs!! (sarcasm) you made an ability that was fun AND actually gave a good archer a chance to kill trash mobs into a useless---let's see if I can time my attack---ability.
The Bytcher~
The guys at SSG will never change this, unless the rest of you continue to complain about this NERF. I know it is painful to keep writing about this, but the xbow users of the world must unite! I'm saying it as loudly as I can: If SSG put this type of delay on casters SLA's the forums would erupt.
The Bytcher~
The animation is way too long of time where you can't take any other action or cancel out. With the current pacing of the game, I'd rather it be back with a fast cast with a duration shortened by the current animation timing (but I'm sure others might hate that...)
Math wasn't what got Inquisitive nerfed in the first place (SSG had *LOTS* of math presented to them and said that Inquisitive was "right where they wanted it to be"). Not sure why anyone would think that math would be helpful in getting Inquisitive nerfed more or getting Inquisitive unnerfed.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
NHB was probably too strong before. A nerf was likely warranted. But I'd prefer a nerf that didn't include an annoying mechanic that makes me want to pund the screen each time I use it.
Good thing I only have it on an alt and not my main.
So... lessen the boost it gives, give it longer CD, shorter duration, whatever, but please don't make OP stuff annoying to use as a counter to the power. Lessen the power instead. Please?
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
3 seconds of your life that you will never get back...
Before Inquisitives came out, Endless Fusillade was THE ranged solution. And it had exactly* the delay you're whining about.
(* I want to say that DDO announced that EF would actually become a bit shorter, and now both EF and NHB would have the same slightly shorter delay. Not sure where I saw that now.)
So, after having been spoiled with the on-demand ease of NHB, and everyone recognizing the massive DPS and tactical advantage it gave, going back to the delay of what had been awesome is now "unplayable"?
maybe create a feat that shortens or kills the animation as a solution, even if it is ML21
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