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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Default Thoughts On Alchemist After A Long Playtesting

    Alchemist is fun but I am a little bummed out about the following:

    1-Death Salve isn't a toggle and only works on other players

    2-Melt Lock isn't working no matter how I try to build to make it work!

    3-No support for medium armor proficiency in the Vile Chemist Tree

    4-The lack of awesome Sickles in game (Sickle is my favored weapon for this class!)

    5-No orb (Or sickle) with legendary affirmation (Or an equivalent modified from the Soul Eating attribute currently only found on Grave wrappings (Handwraps from The Unquiet Graves quest) makes pure Alchemist class Vile Chemist melee builds a little more on the edge of the seat than I'd prefer, also I strongly dislike two weapon fighting! See Sickle Design below if you want to know how I imagine a decent raid tier melee sickle looking!

    6-No potions of Reconstruction/repair to throw

    __________________________________________________ ____________________________________

    Sickle Design For Vile Alchemist Use (Would also likely please that one guy who donated a ton to SSG, run it by him maybe?)

    The Vilest Sickle Sickle
    Minimum Level: 29
    • +15 enhancement bonus
    • Legendary Soul Trapping Passive: +0.5[W] damage dice.
      On Vorpal Hit: If your target has fewer than 3000 hitpoints and fails to make a Will DC save 100, it is instantly slain, if it is instantly slain its soul is trapped into a gem. If the target has above 3000 Hit Points, it takes 300 damage instead. (This is a hybrid between the Trap The Soul weapon proc, the Legendary Slay The Living weapon proc, and the Sovereign Vorpal Effect).
    • Legendary Soul Eating: On a Vorpal strike, the dark energy that inhabits this weapon will tear at the soul of your foe, inflicting 2d6 negative levels to your target. The Soul Eating weapon will feed this stolen life back to you in the form of 1000 temporary hit points that last for one minute or until depleted by incoming damage. (Does not stack with legendary affirmation or Bloodfeast)
    • Insatiable Vampirism 4: This weapon fiercely thirsts for the blood of your enemies, healing you for +4d2 hit points with each hit and dealing 5 constitution damage to the target struck.
    • Legendary Cursespewing:On a natural 20 attack roll, this weapon lashes out with a vengeful curse that confers a -10 morale penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This agonizing curse also causes the victim to take 12D6 damage every two seconds for a duration of twelve seconds. Additional vorpal strikes while the curse is still active will extend the duration by another twelve seconds. Note: This curse's penalties stack with the Bestow Curse spell.
    • Empty Purple Augment Slot
    • Empty Red Augment Slot

    __________________________________________________ ____________________________________

    Overall, the alchemist is a really fun class and what I'd call a real glass cannon, with a little more polishing it could be better, one thing this class needs in legendary content is something to give them that 1000 hitpoint legendary affirmation effect without robbing a build of the freedom to single weapon fight and have a full range of potential filigree usage.

    For survival purposes, I'd say go Warforged, however there is a problem.... this class has no curative admixtures for repairs.......... but still, Shards Of Mechanus Filigree set does help out a lot for survival, though you will still die a bit even while running epic elite on your own.

    All my testing was done at level cap and based on the difficulty I've had even while I've been at level cap and how often I'd had to use the Reconstruct sla from my Scion Of Mechanus feat I can say with absolutely certainty that this class could use some repair potion skills!

    My two favorite spells are: Flesh To Gold (Mass) and Multivial Of Poison!

    __________________________________________________ _______________________________


    After realizing that I was wasting a feat on swords to plowshares and perhaps spreading myself a little thin I then decided to swap swords to plowshares and all of the slashing based feats for feats that would improve my vistani knife fighting.

    I then rebuilt my tree contributions around purely melee and found it to balance out what I needed to an extent where I can conclude that a a good dagger and some more appropriate gear would complete the feel!

    Instead of a Sickle, that item should be a Dagger!

    __________________________________________________ ______________

    The Vilest Dagger Dagger
    Minimum Level: 29
    • +15 enhancement bonus
    • Legendary Soul Trapping Passive: +0.5[W] damage dice.
      On Vorpal Hit: If your target has fewer than 3000 hitpoints and fails to make a Will DC save 100, it is instantly slain, if it is instantly slain its soul is trapped into a gem. If the target has above 3000 Hit Points, it takes 300 damage instead. (This is a hybrid between the Trap The Soul weapon proc, the Legendary Slay The Living weapon proc, and the Sovereign Vorpal Effect).
    • Legendary Soul Eating: On a Vorpal strike, the dark energy that inhabits this weapon will tear at the soul of your foe, inflicting 2d6 negative levels to your target. The Soul Eating weapon will feed this stolen life back to you in the form of 1000 temporary hit points that last for one minute or until depleted by incoming damage. (Does not stack with legendary affirmation or Bloodfeast)
    • Insatiable Vampirism 4: This weapon fiercely thirsts for the blood of your enemies, healing you for +4d2 hit points with each hit and dealing 5 constitution damage to the target struck.
    • Legendary Cursespewing:On a natural 20 attack roll, this weapon lashes out with a vengeful curse that confers a -10 morale penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This agonizing curse also causes the victim to take 12D6 damage every two seconds for a duration of twelve seconds. Additional vorpal strikes while the curse is still active will extend the duration by another twelve seconds. Note: This curse's penalties stack with the Bestow Curse spell.
    • Empty Purple Augment Slot
    • Empty Red Augment Slot

    __________________________________________________ _______

    A good trinket to help this build out would be nice!

    Enchanted Monodrone Eye Trinket
    Minimum Level: 29
    • Reconstruction +214
    • Insightful Reconstruction +107
    • Constitution +21
    • Insightful Constitution +10
    • Empty blue Augment Slot
    • Empty green Augment Slot
    Last edited by Lokeal_The_Flame; 01-30-2020 at 03:35 PM.

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