I noticed that the dragon's breath cooldown was still planned to be increased from 25 seconds to 60 seconds.

While an increase in cooldown is reasonable, a 2.4x increase is quite large. Dragon's breath is the defining ability of the draconic Epic Destiny, and a cooldown of 60 seconds seems quite crippling.

It is curious that dragon's breath would have a higher cooldown than energy burst, which is ranked below it and requires less point investment.

I'll accept whatever changes come, but I would greatly appreciate a statement regarding the current developer view of the draconic tree. From these changes it isn't clear if dragon's breath is considered too powerful for anyone, too powerful for sorcerers alone, or too powerful in conjunction with Energy Burst.

An explanation would greatly help clear things up! Thank you in advance,

Edit: The balancing changes made in all other areas are generally very apt! I understand dragon's breath is powerful - worth the casting of several spells at least - and can see why it needs a longer cooldown. I will say that it is one of the few spells that a sorcerer without all gear can actually land in reaper Sharn!