Hey-o, people!
I am looking for a guild, preferably in the EU timezones (I am at +1GMT). I am VIP, own all the expacs and all that stuff, and can handle myself well enough on low reaper or at least elite.
More of a flower-sniffer type, but I am down for the occasional zerg. There is the slight chance that I come as a two-for-one deal, as my significant other tends to join my DDO adventures.
Overall, I'd say I am more of a casual player, log a couple times a week for a few hours, sometimes less, sometimes more.
Last but not least, I am very fond of roleplaying and writing. Now, from what I gather, there's not much RP around on DDO, so I don't expect a full-blown RP guild, but it'd be a grand bonus if any guilds had members who liked to occasionally drop in-character.
Currently on Ghallanda, but most of my characters are at low levels and it'd not be hard for me to start over on a new server.