I. Epic Defensive Fightning.
For the first I wonder why its not support shield-based feat - I mean Shield Mastery, Impr. Shield Mastery... and where is a Greater Shield Mastery? You adding some new feats, some get changed, but where is that one? The more so there is Legendary Shield Mastery as enhancment in tier 2 US.
Secondly: the discription says - This feat is exclusive from the Enlarge Spell Metamagic toggle. But is not. Or, at least, not for tier 5 Fatesinger Enlarge feat. Took it once(as bard swashbuckler with SWF and some arcane) and seems no difference with or without it. Cannot Shout or buff or Heal a friend who standing 2steps farther then touch-range until i switch off EDF. So the more I do not want to wasting my exchange token, perfect siberys, lesser/epic reincarnation etc to check if it work with regular enarge meta-feat
Thirdly: no wonder you want to change it, its a pipe dream, but have to ask like always better to try then do nothing. Can you change that EDF will work normaly/will be exclusive for clickies, scrolls? Its really annoying when as fighter, pally or other melee char have to turn off it to raise a friend via scroll/clickies coz he running to me 9sec from his soul stone + long cast animation makes it simply scroll burner. But turning off make situation more dangerous and closer to wipe. Or just sometimes its not possible to get closer coz some traps, lava etc between me and friend while the caster is taking fire. Its usually very singular situiation, always easier to tell "turn off edf" utnil you find out in that case
II. Dark side of Strikethrough?
How about working it on mobs? All who use thf? Its only me who see that? If im correct melees they will have a harder time, not particularly easier. Now, if 3 melees beating boss, like... Orc in Cabal of One, which use greataxe. Middle player(in front of the boss) take full dmg + glanicing blow, side melees take only glancing blow. For exaplme orc hit 700/hit and 200/glancing blow. So side melees take only 200. After strikethough will come all 3 melees will take 700dmg coz, as I suppose, its a boss and he'll have more then 200% strikethrough. To be clear - just wanna illustrate a situation, do not seek out orc boss in Cabal hitting by 700 on any difficulty, its just example.
I Dont want criticize, I like the idea of strikethrough. Just trying to be more objective and see more widely. Regardless of strikethroug i think you combine too much. Will be much easier giving melees more power. All sets - Adeherent, sets from Sharn, Filigree and so on gives 5-10melee/ranged power and, in the corresponding sets, 20-50 spell power. But then you trying to make melees more powerful. It pointless. It won't hurt you when you puts more melee power to sets/feats. Melee will never have so much as sorcerers and other nukers-casters but it can help restore balance between each other. It sometimes looks like you trying invent a wheel instead of use that what you have.
This could be a part of https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-melee-dilemma but dont want go into details which are included there
Thanks for your consideration.
Best Regards