Golden Cartouche Neck Slot
Minimum Level: 7/25
Intelligence +5/+11
Quality Use Magic Device +1/+1
Vitality +36
False Life +44
Yellow Augment Slot
I like most of the changes, but I don't think the UMD on this item needs to change at all. +3 UMD on a hotswap item isn't hurting anything. Or am I missing something? I haven't had my coffee yet.
Proud guild gimp of Synergia! Adults only. Bring beer. Pants optional.
In case no one has mentioned it yet, thank you for listening and dropping the Delera's loot to ML25. I haven't looked at the effects yet and don't know how much use the gear will get, but I know that this is much better than the straight-to-sentient-food previous plan of ML 27. Intuitively, ML25 is a very good choice. It's right down the middle between ML21 KotB and ML29 legendary.
EDIT: Is there any reason to believe that the ML23 Catacombs armor will get any use for those with Sharn gear? I rolled from ML15 to ML29 with my PotF set, as I imagine most melees do. Let me be clear, I'm not complaining, just wondering. I am in huge support of wider gear variety in lower to mid-epics, and especially so for those without access to all of the latest content.
Last edited by 0ldschool; 01-28-2020 at 02:27 PM.
Zamsil - L30 VKF Assassin - Cannith: Hand of Death
Zanthiss - L30 Acrobat
Zaldraan - L30 PDK Icebreaker SwashBard
I've got a Dungeon Master's Guide... I've got 12 sided die...
4 issues:
1) why are lvl 1 clickies on lvl 25 gear? Whats the point in have a dc 13 command undead clicky on a lvl 25 item. These clickies will never ever ever be used. They are a waste of space and developers time, they literally ONLY add flavor to the item.
2) Why are you adding great undead guard to the game when you know guards are broken?
3) Why is alchemical silver a weapon effect. These things are properties of the weapon. Just make the material silver like stuff used to be.
4) Are these weapons intended to not have extra dice? 3[1d6] instead of 3[1d6+2]?
I can try to up the caster level, no problemo. In the future, calling things a waste of space or developer time isn't a very effective way to encourage me to do anything. I'm a human, just like you. I like using player suggestions and responding to player feedback, you don't need to insult me or my work to get me to do things.
Some guards are broken, this one is not.
That is incorrect. Silver has always been a weapon effect - just making something material type material_silver does not affect the damage flags (only the durability properties and what sound it makes when it hits things). The weapon effect is what controls what damage type the weapon does.
No. We use loaded dice at cap exclusively to avoid adding additional W scaling on weapons.
100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.
"Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"
I'd have loved to see the items on the forums for easy access in the first preview, but can understand your reasons for not doing so then.
I can't log into the game for computer-related reasons, but that doesn't mean I can't still be interested in what the game has to offer, but I wouldn't mind if people like me had to wait for the second preview to see them if it means there's more people on the server testing things out.
Community Member
epic shields, Sanctuary and Wrath of Siberys, grant lower Shield bonus to AC than Focal Point, ML21 large shield from Borderlands. Also, Borderlands shield has 3[1d0] 19-20x3 vs [1d6] 20x2.
Epic Eternal Rest: BtAoE
Epic Pillar of Light: Still has Searing Light clicky
Epic Linen Wraps: Still has only 3 enchantments (CURSE DOES NOT COUNT!)
100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.
"Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"
kruemeli of Orien - Leader of the "Merry" Hobbits
It is okay to be "merry":
I just Keep quiet and think....
kruemeli of Orien - Leader of the "Merry" Hobbits
It is okay to be "merry":
I just Keep quiet and think....
Smoke signals are not the best version control, but still better than cave engravings I guess.