Can we all agree that DPS builds are doing too much damage right now? Historically good niche builds are less useful than a good DPS character on r8+ quests.

High end assassin rogue with no fail DC? Cool, but DPS is better.

No fail EiN monk? Cool, but DPS is better.

Unkillable healing Cleric? Can be useful but DPS is often better.

No fail intimidate tank with 5k HP? Not needed. Between kiting and defensive cooldowns the DPS don't need the help.

120+ Necro DC Pale Master? Good, but mostly for the mass holds. Instakills are little more than a distraction.

Fascinate bard? I haven't seen one of those in years!

The list goes on.

It's not any single build or tree that's doing too much damage, it's widespread. Quest mechanics are being ignored. Bosses like the painting in "Invitation to Dinner" and the slaad in "Subversion" are being bursted down without dealing with their spawns.

Can we have some more scaling down of damage per skull? I want to make high reaper more interesting, not to hit the casual players who grind 1 skull stuff. I would look at this before attempting other balance changes.