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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Aug 2018

    Default Improved Feint - Bluff DC in LE

    Saekee, if you're out there, I need you

    I'm planning my endgame gearset for my VKF/Assassin. Improved Feint has been a joy, thanks again to Saekee for being so vocal here about its value. As I approach cap, I am left wondering if I can get my Bluff high enough for Feint to continue to work as it has when I plan to transition to Elite+ play. I am going to do some testing tonight in LE with my at-cap mechanic to try to figure out where it needs to be, but I did this late last year to some degree and the results were pretty mixed, as the same roll would succeed on a mob and then fail on the same mob another time.

    I would love to hear about others experiences RE Bluff DC's in LE quests (Sharn, RL, new stuff). I don't really understand how they expect DEX/INT rogues to invest enough in CHA to get the Bluff required to use it in endgame content. I'm estimating a Bluff of around 90 with my current gearset plan. My limited testing suggest that this is simply not going to be good enough. I also have some reason to believe that 100+ could provide more value, and I COULD maybe build in or make swap gear for ins Bluff 11 and qual Bluff 5 (and ins CHA). Again this is based on my very limited testing, so I would really appreciate any knowledge that you all can pass along.

    Zamsil - L30 VKF Assassin - Cannith: Hand of Death
    Zanthiss - L30 Acrobat
    Zaldraan - L30 PDK Icebreaker SwashBard
    I've got a Dungeon Master's Guide... I've got 12 sided die...

  2. #2
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    Default Update with my testing

    Quote Originally Posted by 0ldschool View Post
    Saekee, if you're out there, I need you

    I'm planning my endgame gearset for my VKF/Assassin. Improved Feint has been a joy, thanks again to Saekee for being so vocal here about its value. As I approach cap, I am left wondering if I can get my Bluff high enough for Feint to continue to work as it has when I plan to transition to Elite+ play. I am going to do some testing tonight in LE with my at-cap mechanic to try to figure out where it needs to be, but I did this late last year to some degree and the results were pretty mixed, as the same roll would succeed on a mob and then fail on the same mob another time.

    I would love to hear about others experiences RE Bluff DC's in LE quests (Sharn, RL, new stuff). I don't really understand how they expect DEX/INT rogues to invest enough in CHA to get the Bluff required to use it in endgame content. I'm estimating a Bluff of around 90 with my current gearset plan. My limited testing suggest that this is simply not going to be good enough. I also have some reason to believe that 100+ could provide more value, and I COULD maybe build in or make swap gear for ins Bluff 11 and qual Bluff 5 (and ins CHA). Again this is based on my very limited testing, so I would really appreciate any knowledge that you all can pass along.

    This testing was done using Bluff, not Improved Feint. Tested on CR55 trash mobs in LE Rage - Nights Falls on Stormreach. Sharn Syndicate Hoods, Sharn Synidicate Sharps, and Disciple Watchmen.

    A roll of 89-90 is the magic number to bluff these mobs. Quest Level = 33, mob CR=55, so a bluff DC of [mob CR+quest level] is roughly accurate. Bluff can fail for reasons not related to the roll. Elevation differences appears to be one of them. In fact, if you play with a mob long enough, the mob either loses their ability to be bluffed or their bluff DC rises dramatically beyond what I can pull off. With Bluff 77, I very infrequently succeeding. With a Bluff of 82 it was OK, Bluff of 90 was no-fail as long as other things weren't causing bluff to fail.

    This is only a test of these specific mobs. I've encountered other mob types that are clearly much tougher to bluff. This test does give me confidence that a Bluff of 90 will be useful in LE content for trash mobs. I think 100 would really put it into solid 'works for most mobs in LE' territory. I'm left thinking that I'm going to be OK, but wondering if I can make some plans to be able to swap Bracers of the Hidden Blade for insightful Bluff 11 if it becomes needed.
    Zamsil - L30 VKF Assassin - Cannith: Hand of Death
    Zanthiss - L30 Acrobat
    Zaldraan - L30 PDK Icebreaker SwashBard
    I've got a Dungeon Master's Guide... I've got 12 sided die...

  3. #3
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    Aug 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by 0ldschool View Post
    This testing was done using Bluff, not Improved Feint. Tested on CR55 trash mobs in LE Rage - Nights Falls on Stormreach. Sharn Syndicate Hoods, Sharn Synidicate Sharps, and Disciple Watchmen.

    A roll of 89-90 is the magic number to bluff these mobs. Quest Level = 33, mob CR=55, so a bluff DC of [mob CR+quest level] is roughly accurate. Bluff can fail for reasons not related to the roll. Elevation differences appears to be one of them. In fact, if you play with a mob long enough, the mob either loses their ability to be bluffed or their bluff DC rises dramatically beyond what I can pull off. With Bluff 77, I very infrequently succeeding. With a Bluff of 82 it was OK, Bluff of 90 was no-fail as long as other things weren't causing bluff to fail.

    This is only a test of these specific mobs. I've encountered other mob types that are clearly much tougher to bluff. This test does give me confidence that a Bluff of 90 will be useful in LE content for trash mobs. I think 100 would really put it into solid 'works for most mobs in LE' territory. I'm left thinking that I'm going to be OK, but wondering if I can make some plans to be able to swap Bracers of the Hidden Blade for insightful Bluff 11 if it becomes needed.
    I hit cap! Woohoo! Update RE Bluff, I was lucky enough to join in a fun R4 group for the Rage chain this weekend. My Bluff is sitting at 93. I was reliably bluffing trash mobs with Improved Feint in R4. I am also reliably bluffing trash in LE sharn.
    Zamsil - L30 VKF Assassin - Cannith: Hand of Death
    Zanthiss - L30 Acrobat
    Zaldraan - L30 PDK Icebreaker SwashBard
    I've got a Dungeon Master's Guide... I've got 12 sided die...

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