With the imminent implementation of what has been confirmed as a level cap increase, the gap between new players and old players is set to increase even if devs follow through on their pledge to "not increase the amount of experience required to complete an Epic Reincarnation".
Many other games I have played provide on-ramps for new players that make it easier for them not to compete with older players, but to have an easier time catching up. Here is how I think that could work in DDO: new accounts include the once-VIP-now-premium style withdraw-only Shared Bank (or if the new account is VIP just the regular one obviously) including these BtA items...
1. One Heroic True Heart of Bloody Wood, which when used at level 20 would grant a Heroic and Racial Past Life Feat.
2. One Tremendous Epic Heart of Wood, which when used would grant three Epic Past Life Feats from the relevant sphere.
3. One token that can be used to purchase any Adventure Pack for 5 DDO Points.
4. One 7313 Cannith crafting experience gem (like the regular XP gems from daily dice but Cannith crafting instead, gets from 1 to level 100)
5. One Collapsed Portable Hole
Additionally, the first character created on a new account spawns with 10,000 plat (also disable the f2p plat caps). I feel like this amount makes a huge difference for new players without making enough of a difference for old players to make exploiting it worthwhile, but it could be easily tuned if necessary.
I think this would give new players a much easier time getting into the game without trivializing content the way direct power-ups or XP boosts could. Additionally, since this barely scratches the surface of the grind needed, in-between players who are maybe a life or three in wouldn't feel compelled to start from scratch.