Can Raid Runes be Traded for Ability Tomes?
I saw that awhile back some tome drop rates were increased in some raid quests so that one could get the tomes as a reward for doing certain endgame raids. Ravenloft in particular could drop plus 8 ability tomes and +1 enhancement point tomes.
Then I saw that people also discussed how they frequently get tomes from raid 20th completions to the point that they would run a raid 20 times with the goal of getting a tome at the end of the grind. Eventually devs removed the 20th completion reward list from many raids (for a lot of reasons) and this has left me with the obvious question:
Is it possible to trade raid runes for tomes?
I already have +5 to all stats from favor but the +8 from Raven Loft would be a big upgrade.
I could do 6 racial trs to get certain stats higher but grinding endgame raids for runes sound alot more fun even if more time consuming.
If anyone could let me know if any of the raids let runes be traded for tomes I would appreciate it.
If this is the wrong place to be posting questions (I am new to forums), I would also appreciate directions on where to direct them.
[Reason I don't go to Ravenloft and check myself is that I do not have the expansion but if I found out I could grind out some +8 tomes from the raids I would definitely find it worth it to buy it tomorrow].