Thank you for the Producers letter, Severlin.
So much information but so vague. So far without seeing the expansion and rebuilding characters around it my humble comments are:
1. Alchemist, I was a DM when it came out in the Dragon magazine last century and when I added it to my campaign, it didn't work out. Buff/debuff/damage rinse repeat.
1a. You have rogue and artificers that could have added alchemist as a tree.
1b. I looked at it on Lammania and it looked like a splash and throw support class that better have some agro management.
1c. I hope I am wrong and it is a fun and playable class worth playing past the lv 30 limit.
2. Lv 30+ ? are you insane? I already have over 2 dozen alts so I can group with friends since we are so spread out in levels and have to be the same level or below or nerf the group exp.
2a. Lv 30+ ? are you insane #2? Do you realize how long it takes to solo a character to lv 30 without Otto's or a guild to help you without grinding every night just so you can TR to fill a few more character points to raid the bosses?
2b. Lv 30+ ? are you insane #3? What percentage of the current population can do the current end boss raids with above average success? Which of those cannot solo or 2 man all the content of a few years back.
2b. Lv 30+ ? are you insane #4? Should I just scrap all of my gear now since it is useless against the new bosses?
2c. Lv 30+ ? are you insane #5? Why group since once you get lv 31+ by buying what you need to get geared, you can solo all of the old content. Add challenges not power creep.
3. Epic Catacombs and Delera's sounds exciting.
4. Sortable bank.... something we have been asking for since the first TR. I just hope level is a sort.
5. Sortable TR cache would be nice also.
6. Shifters? is that a playable class (or race) that won't break old content? Basically unnatural druids/Palemasters?
7. I left WoW for DDO Beta because of the promise of a D&D style Druid. I waited years and was told the shapes were too hard to do to have druids. Now we have Shifters, How many shapes?
8. I hope this doesn't lead to server merges after it thins out more people.
You should be encouraging new players not discouraging long term casual or part time players. I do understand you need more challenges for the power players but you need interesting not almost impossible that requires specific gear, builds and classes and can only be solved one way. There is such a variety of play in DDO and it has been a good game so far. Gravis used to be a raiding guild and now less than a hand full of us are left because the power players that concentrated on the end raid all moved on. I haven't raided more than a couple of times in almost a year now because I am playing all of the other content with friends but I still could. Keep up the good work and I will sit back down.