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    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Post DDO Named Gear Planner

    Due to multiple requests, I have created a Buy Me A Coffee account. If you feel like donating, great. If not, no sweat. Donations will keep me motivated to continue supporting this tool. Hit me up.

    Hi folks. Another redundant planner tool? Not quite! DDO Named Gear Planner aims to streamline the gear tetris game through facilitating item discovery and combinations.

    The latest release version is v0.8.18, available at my Github repo. The download link is listed as an asset.

    New with v0.8.4 is a second, optional download of item icons, available here. Just download the zip file and unzip the contents into the same folder as the gear planner files. If done properly, there will be an Icons folder filled with item icons that the planner will look into when you slot items. Items with missing icons will use the old icons as defaults.

    Note- icons haven't been updated since 0.8.4. I'm planning a new way to generate them, but will likely wait for 0.9.

    Version 0.8 comes with the ability to create crafted Slave Lords items. This breaks backwards compatibility with the older custom items format, but lays the groundwork for supporting multiple DDO crafting systems.

    Version 0.7.4 changes the format for the gearset files. It's now a simple text dump (exactly what the "dump to text" button did). Backwards compatibility is maintained for previously saved gearset files, but upon saving will be in the new format. The new format also facilitates other developers creating gearset files of their own to be read by DDO Named Gear Planner.

    Version 0.7 adds the ability to select which adventure/expansion packs you want to see items from, as well as whether or not you want to see Free to VIP items and raid drops.

    Word of caution for v0.6+ :

    Build filters seem simple, but take care - it is very easy to generate literally millions of possible combinations of gear. Not only will this take a long time, but it is possible for your computer to run out of memory this way (a very real concern if you run less than 16GB of system RAM). Version 0.6 drastically improved all this, but the following tips for creating filters still apply :
    • Lock the slots you don't want to find gear for.
    • Setup exclusion filters first. The build process tests slot filters before gear set filters, and the process does early-out testing. This means the first filter that produces a result determines whether an item is included or excluded, regardless of other filters that come after it.
    • The more inclusion filters you set, the more items the build process will generate combinations for. This isn't as much a problem as it was in the past.
    • Make smart use of the Minimum Level restrictions to reduce the number of discovered items.
    • The #1 time and memory taker is a filter that includes a property that is found on a lot of items across a lot of bonus types at a high priority (where a lot of open equipment slots are available).

    The rating and penalty system is no longer being used.

    Custom Items

    New with v0.5.3 is the ability to create custom items. These items are kept separate from the dataset. They load from an xml file in the same folder of the executable, and they are not seen by any gear searches, property browser, nor build process.

    Main Interface (as of v0.8.4)

    Custom Items

    Build Filters

    Build Process

    Item Property Browser

    Named Sets Browser

    Gear Set Comparison Window

    v0.8.18 Changelog:
    • changed named sets window to be non-modal and persistent
    • item updates

    v0.8.17 Changelog:
    • item updates

    v0.8.16 Changelog:
    • upped maximum level from 30 to 32 in UI

    v0.8.15 Changelog:
    • item updates

    v0.8.14 Changelog:
    • added menu option for checking for updates
    • item updates

    v0.8.7 - v0.8.13 Changelog:
    • item updates

    v0.8.6 Changelog:
    • updated for U48 and Feywild items and sets
    • item icons are missing for new items, will be updated once I sort it out

    v0.8.5 Changelog:
    • fixed universal spell lore and universal spell power handling
    • fixed items with spell absorption
    • fixed Lightning Coil property type for electric lore

    v0.8.4 Changelog:
    • new support for item icons (requires separate, downloading zip file of icons)
    • moved gear set loading and saving to the File menu

    v0.8.3 Changelog:
    • added gear set comparison window, accessible via button on the main interface

    v0.8.2 Changelog:
    • added Bloodsigil Ring minor artifact flag
    • added toggle all option in quest source selection window
    • added optional properties to search when filtering items by property
    • implemented sorting named sets list by clicking on the list headers

    v0.8.1 Changelog:
    • new support for Legendary Green Steel crafting
    • added context menu link to wiki crafting pages
    • crossbows and runearms can now be slotted at the same time

    v0.8 Changelog:
    • added support for creating Slave Lords crafted items

    Planned features:
    • Common character role checklists for commonly desired properties

    Past versions :

    v0.7.4 Changelog:
    • added "minor artifact" listing in item property displays (similar to raid drops being identified in item property displays)
    • even more update 46 item data
    • changed the gearset file format to simply be the text dump

    v0.7.3 Changelog:
    • fixed selecting a slotted custom item
    • a couple more update 46 items captured
    • added listing all properties and their values for a gear set when generating a text dump

    v0.7.2 Changelog:
    • includes update 46 items
    • fixed loading a gearset with weapons in the main and offhand
    • loading gearsets will now try to match existing custom items if the item name doesn't match anything in the official data
    • Special event items now will be filtered out properly if the source is unselected

    v0.7.1 Changelog:
    • minor artifacts will no longer be affected by raid drop settings

    v0.7 Changelog:
    • added quest source data, can now hide items from specific adventure/expansion packs
    • item property listing now displays whether an item drops from a raid or not
    • fixed Ravenloft sets data
    • U45 data

    v0.6 Changelog:
    • Complete redesign of the build process algorithms. Now blindingly fast (compared to before), takes into proper account filter priorities, and uses far, far less system RAM.
    • Minor artifacts are now recognized and checks for slotting multiple are in.

    v0.5.3 changelog:
    • Added support for creating custom items
    • Removed armor/offhand/weapon category properties from gear set rendering

    v0.5.2 changelog:
    • added new image for when search slot toggles are activated
    • gear set properties listing is now alphabetized
    • changed mouse cursor when over the priority boxes in the build filter window
    • added a button to dump to text file the current gear set
    • added a button to lock all filled equipment slots
    • made main window resizing affect search area of window
    • fixed behavior when build resulted in no gear sets

    v0.5.1 changelog:
    • Enabled resizing of main window
    • Adjusted default main window size to display all of the search results columns
    • Changed the application to be 64bit, to support accessing more system RAM
    • Improved build process memory usage, though still significant (approximately 1GB per 100K combinations)

    v0.5 new features:
    • Ability to setup series of filters to drive a gear set discovery process (build)
    • Ability to test filter setup to see what items will be discovered for the build
    • Filter test results window supports adding items to current gear set as well as DDO Wiki lookups
    • Build process respects equipment slot locks and fills in discovered items around them
    • Save and load whole builds, or just filters, or just build results
    • Save and load gear sets to/from file
    • For items with optional properties (upgrades or random properties, also), able to select the desired properties now

    v0.4 Feature Set:
    • Allows you to search for items by name, slot, minimum level, or item property
    • Has an item property browser showing what properties can be found across the different equipment slots, to include breakdowns by property/bonus/enhancement type
    • Displays a running breakdown of the collective properties across all slotted items, making at-a-glance determination of property overlaps and set bonus influences easy
    • Easily apply items from sets and see which set bonuses will be applied
    • Lock individual equipment slots to protect them from unintentional modification
    • All item and set references can open up the DDO Wiki page they're sourced from
    • Generate a code that you can pass to someone else, so they can load it and see your gear set

    So, give it a try. Let me know what you think. Constructive criticism, comments, and suggestions are welcome!
    Last edited by Pfhoenix; 03-10-2023 at 01:34 PM. Reason: updated for release v0.8.18

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