I'm looking to create a Thunderforge weapon for my barbarian, and I'm unsure what to craft.
I use the tier 5 Ravager enhancements for the healing, and have the +2 threat range. I assume greataxes are the way to go? (This is a dwarf, but there are no spare APs for racial axe enhancements.)
1st Degree Burns look best for first upgrade, but I'm unsure which option for the next upgrade would be best.
I'm on the fence about further upgrading this, since keeping this weapon at ML26 fills in a good gap in my ETR journeys. I have a decent ML29 weapon, and low epics I have a Drow Greataxe and Antique Greataxe.
It looks like the upgraded Thunderforge weapon will have two augment slots. The Good augment for DR bypass sounds like a good choice, and perhaps I should pick up a ruby eye from the AH for the other slot? The Night Revels augment that gives enemies a negative level also sounds interesting. Any thoughts on that?
Thanks for the help! As a returning player, Thunderforge is still pretty new to me.