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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Small Sorc Balancing Suggestion

    Energy burst and dragon's breath are a sorcerer's bread and butter in epics. But sorcerers - though intended to be good at exploding things - are admittedly using these abilities slightly too liberally. Increasing the cooldown of draconic fury was a good move. And increasing the cooldown of one of these abilities makes sense.

    I'd like to make a case for energy burst to receive the larger cooldown, with dragon's breath being unmodified. Energy burst is the lower-tier, more twistable version of the two, while dragon's breath is built up higher on the path to draconic wings and the like. I believe dragon's breath, as the more dedicated* to the draconic tree, should retain its cooldown, with energy burst changing instead.

    Thank you for reading, and any insights you may have.

    *Integral, higher-tier, Destiny-characterisitc, makes you feel like a dragon
    Edit: Energy burst is the only twistable of the two.
    Last edited by Drachmoril; 01-16-2020 at 05:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Avocado's Avatar
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    hmmmm yes this is a good idea. Energy burst and dragon breath do the same damage but it really makes sense that the exclusive tier 5 ability get a better cooldown. I second this but also would like to see a increase to 45 seconds instead of 60. Lets meet halfway devs.

  3. #3
    Community Member Andoir's Avatar
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    I agree with this as well.

    Also, while we're at it, can we make Draconic Fury's animation closer to instant similar to hitting a boost? Having 10% of your total uptime being taken up by the activation animation, stings... Especially now since the cool down is increasing.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Andoir View Post
    I agree with this as well.

    Also, while we're at it, can we make Draconic Fury's animation closer to instant similar to hitting a boost? Having 10% of your total uptime being taken up by the activation animation, stings... Especially now since the cool down is increasing.
    And Fearsome Invulnerability, Wellspring of Power (probably many others). That animation takes forever and does not make sense when you have other boosts that activate instantly.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoir View Post
    I agree with this as well.

    Also, while we're at it, can we make Draconic Fury's animation closer to instant similar to hitting a boost? Having 10% of your total uptime being taken up by the activation animation, stings... Especially now since the cool down is increasing.
    As long as the cooldown remains relatively the same, I embrace the long casting time, roaring sound-effect, and large cone animation as part of the fun.

    But to go from casting it once every 25 seconds to once every minute turns a destiny-defining ability into something less present than an ability that can be twisted lower on the tree (for the same damage) by another destiny. I think this was the original design train of thought, as dragon breath's cooldown is currently 5 seconds less than energy burst's.

    The problem is sorcerers who don't need the same charisma development, or choose to sacrifice the draconic wings / dragon breath effects at the top of the tree, and are able to use both energy burst AND dragon's breath.

    Using a very strong, reliable spell once every 25 seconds isn't inherently overpowered - it defines the Epic Destiny. ("Draconic Incarnations can also unleash a devastating breath weapon or a soaring attack that matches the element of their dragon heritage.") But once you can use another, equally powerful spell on a separate cooldown timer, the draconic tree seems to overperform in terms of damage.

    TL;DR - I ask the developers to consider an alternative to nerfing the dragon breath ability itself. Nerfing energy burst, or even placing the two on the same cooldown*, would be preferable to such a large increase in cooldown in this defining draconic ability.

    Edit: *Would be a larger hit to damage for players using both abilities, a smaller hit to damage for players using only one.
    Last edited by Drachmoril; 01-18-2020 at 05:07 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Sythe777's Avatar
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    I get that most sorcs use draconic, but they're not the only ones who use it. Implementing nerfs to an ED to nerf a class is like treating a symptom rather than curing the disease.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sythe777 View Post
    I get that most sorcs use draconic, but they're not the only ones who use it. Implementing nerfs to an ED to nerf a class is like treating a symptom rather than curing the disease.
    I agree. But I don't think this is an attempt to nerf sorcs in the first place. The increased cooldown on dragon breath simply shows the developers believe dragon breath is being used too often by draconic users.

    I would like to know if this is an observation about Draconic as a whole, or just dragon breath. Was this change made with consideration to energy burst, and if so, would alternate adjustments be considered? (A joint cooldown on both abilities, as a potential example. Perhaps a much lower DC, or only a 30 second cooldown on dragon's breath).

    I still believe going from 25 seconds to 60 seconds is quite the drastic change for such an integral, high-tier ability. And it would seem odd to make energy burst the more attractive to build in this tree, as dragon's breath is on the way to draconic wings and other more integral abilities.

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