Energy burst and dragon's breath are a sorcerer's bread and butter in epics. But sorcerers - though intended to be good at exploding things - are admittedly using these abilities slightly too liberally. Increasing the cooldown of draconic fury was a good move. And increasing the cooldown of one of these abilities makes sense.
I'd like to make a case for energy burst to receive the larger cooldown, with dragon's breath being unmodified. Energy burst is the lower-tier, more twistable version of the two, while dragon's breath is built up higher on the path to draconic wings and the like. I believe dragon's breath, as the more dedicated* to the draconic tree, should retain its cooldown, with energy burst changing instead.
Thank you for reading, and any insights you may have.
*Integral, higher-tier, Destiny-characterisitc, makes you feel like a dragon
Edit: Energy burst is the only twistable of the two.