We all know how well it went when game-wide decisions were made through the lenses of Reaper difficulty. Don't do that with HCL. Many of us haven't - and never will - play HCL.
We all know how well it went when game-wide decisions were made through the lenses of Reaper difficulty. Don't do that with HCL. Many of us haven't - and never will - play HCL.
Active Characters: Griglok (main), Fiergen, Greyhead, Havegun
Leader- The Casual Obsession ___Khyber___
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The game must be struggling mightily indeed if they are putting all of their ducks in the HCL. If they open it up to Premium this go round, I'll be able to play with everyone. If it remains VIP only, and the servers become a ghost town again, I will probably just take a several month break.
Well that's good to know. I've been staying loyal to my IntimiTank because I heard fixes to KOTC and THF would be coming sooooooon. First time that's paid off for me, feels nice.KOTC and Two Handed Fighting changes are a big part of this in this Season.
But I agree with the others - bad idea to balance around HardCore. I tried it thinking it would resemble Permadeath, meh. Still too easy with AH, DDO Store and Vendors.
i'm not caught up on that. But my (mostly ignorant) opinion is that +30 buffs are too strong for low levels characters.
Although I don't understand why the devs simply don't scale them to level, instead of taking them completely away from peeps who aren't even interested in the Hard Core League.
I'm a whale (spent about $30K last year) who was going to play Hard Core 2 just to throw Shards at the community Guild Ships:
...but not if it enables the punishment of everyone else. So I'm out. I may even find a newer game to support financially.
Last edited by Fenrisulven7; 01-14-2020 at 09:21 PM.
Even if they opened it to premium its still the same as
Wasting time on useless alts there still useless too much grind
Damonz Cannith
This. It's clear that they're using the data from HCL to release balancing changes to the live servers. They aren't necessarily compatible. Make changes to HCL if you want, but leave the rest of us alone.
I personally don't know why they don't just open HCL to all players.
If your F2P or Prem, it is up to you to figure out how you want to grind
Favor... or not. maybe you just like permadeath.
Fine, everyone has the same rules...open the door.
Don't matter if all the other servers are quite, the guild ships is not going anywhere.
Open the door,
Everyone plays.
Active Characters: Griglok (main), Fiergen, Greyhead, Havegun
Leader- The Casual Obsession ___Khyber___
Feel free to join our Discord Check out my YouTube Channel
Builds I'm Currently Playing
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Community Member
Join the crowd. Last HCL I took a 3 month hiatus. The few friends I guild with are VIP, so when HCL came around and they took off to play that, I was the only player left in the guild. Rather than play solo, I played FFXIV instead. At least that game doesn't have a population issue.
Why would you bring HCL back when you haven't dealt with the lag. People are going to go nuts when their toons are dyeing from lag bombs.
Darkwinn, Milkus, Terismina, Gothmawg, Dreylock, Drunarah, Bigbhamboo, etc on Sarlona / Brixlynn, Mofus, Curgoth, Deidlit, etc on Ghalanda.
Just let everyone play.
Less heart burn
In the end, it doesn't matter if everyone is there...it is you or
you and your party vs the dungeon. So we got 20 instances of market...cool.
NWO does that every day
Less exclusive...more inclusive.
Not interested at all in hardcore events regardless of access or anything, this means I prefer game balance to be primarily about the permanent servers. Is this just the pseudo server merge beta testing undercover?
If HC events will be too frequent to have my guild mates spend less times on live servers, I will be taking these times out of DDO, and likely come back when the event is turned off, which is likely based on the 1st event.
I'm not interested in wasting time on HCL whatsoever, why am I being punished for sh*t that I could care less about?
Is this SSG's brilliant idea to kill off Live POP and just shutdown the game this year?