Should players who purchased Inquisitive get a partial refund since the thing they purchased is being nerfed so hard? Kind of like bait and switch.
Should players who purchased Inquisitive get a partial refund since the thing they purchased is being nerfed so hard? Kind of like bait and switch.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
If you only bought it because you KNEW it was TEMPORARILY OP, joke's on you. Shoulda known better.
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If Inquisitive had been properly tested before going live, the changes could have been implemented before people paid money for it. Now people will no longer have what they paid for. Slow down and get it right the first time. Stop introducing stuff that requires nerfing 12 months later.
PS - How soon until the Alchemist nerf?
Last edited by TheMaxpower; 01-14-2020 at 04:46 PM.
So if I get this straight, you paid for "access to the Inquisitive tree" and received "access to the Inquisitive tree", in an online game which implicitly means things are subject to change at any time. Sounds like you got exactly what you paid for. Now if you only bought it because it was powerful that's on you. You knew it could be changed at any time and bought it anyway. Unless we all want this to be a "pay to win" game, which honestly sounds like the worst possible outcome of demanding paid for things being/retaining power.
For me I love playing ranged characters. Inquisitive, mechanic, arcane archer. The ranged combat nerfs basically nerf every play style I enjoy. The ranged combat nerfs look like they were needed to keep Alchemist from being an overbearing DPS hose. Bring everyone down so they can put something new at the top.
I have over 100 TRs on my main. In about 2-3 hours of play tonight I will have another one done. I am not sure I even care if these ranged nerfs go in as purposed.
You paid access for the tree, not the product inside the tree. SSG has the right to change any tree at any time. It was OP. I don't personally think anything really needs nerfed at this point in the game, but I hardly think the changes are going to hurt that bad. At least they haven't fully removed the OH procs. It'll still be on par with the other ranged classes, if still not better. I'd be more worried about the -20% to damage when IPS is up. That hurt just reading it.
Some kind of compensation is ethical for sure.
Ouch, that is a pretty savage nerfing...
What sucks is the basically killed the "spec any class into Inqu = be decent" while still maintaining viability on a multi-class dedicated inqu build.
Still, though, it had it coming. Rip my gimp inqu sorc trying to get to 20...
You know that EULA document that you have to scroll to the bottom of and click the "I ACCEPT" button in order to be able to actually play the game? You usually only have to do that when you first install it, but it is there. Yeah, that thing means no refunds. It specifically states that they may change, modify, suspend or remove any server, feature, service, content and/or game-play in it's sole discretion. Clicking the "I ACCEPT" button means you accept those terms. They are allowed to alter Inquisitive and any other thing in this game as they want, regardless of you paying for access for it or not.
"Refund my cat.
It was the cutest kitten, but now, it got changed, and is no longer as cute.
I didn't buy this less-cute cat."
You weren't expecting changes to an online game for the sake of balance.
And now want a refund over these changes.
Did anyone expect to be refunded for Shan-to-Kor when they nerfed Shadowstar?
Should anyone expect the same for Threnal now that Ratcatcher got hit?
Thank you for the great advice. What I am hearing is wait until Alchemist is nerfed (approximately 12 months from now) before deciding whether I want to purchase it. That way I can truly see what I am purchasing.
Thanks again and have a great day.![]()
When everything else on the road is a suped up V6, release a Hemi, then recall it and drop a 4 cylinder engine in the same bay later on.
This is a prime example of the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction. I figured some of the law dice would get shaved, as well as some rate of fire, but not being able to wait to adjust IPS nerfs other ranged platforms which already do not perform like the outlier.
Ask Blizzard or Valve how much the EULA is worth when it is in violation of consumer law (particularly European or Australian) now I’m not saying the OP is right in this case just pointing out that the EULA is in no way protection for a company that deals in shady practices.
That EULA has been invalidated lots of times, specially when you're forced to hit accept to play, which means you aren't giving your agreement, you're being forced to do so which invalidates the concept of the EULA and ToS itself (unless you live in murica, the land of freedom and justice, just check dat impeachment joke)
Always amazes me how lawyers twist things lol
psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm
It's standard OP. They changed a decade-old feat instead of balancing the one thing that COCO himself even said was the issue, sent all ranged back to the stoneage.
No more purchases. The banks closed, SSG.
Last edited by DRoark; 02-06-2020 at 03:57 PM.
Should players purchase Inquisitive because it is so strong ?
Is this the *only* reason why a player should buy this ?
That reasoning is like : "You've gotta buy that car because it has so much motor power in it even although it looks like it is the ugliest car in the world ! And is has zero luggage space, too !"
"You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"