Casual player here, I have no Reaper experience really, doesn't appeal to me. I play in HE and EH. I think its likely I will therefore barely notice most of these changes but I have a bit of concern over the small number of max targets you can hit.
I play in a couple static groups, in one of them I'm the "tank", with 2 DPSers - an arti and a ranger. Right now whilst my kill count might be non existent in quests compared to 2 IPSing, fusilading/manyshotting ranged characters, I *can* hold aggro on a pack of mobs whilst they do their pewpew thing.
Glancing blows are a huge part of that success as a strategy: mobs often try to run past me to get to the ranged party members (even when they haven't tagged them from miles away instead of letting me get in first), but a few swings with an intimidate popped and enough mobs have been tagged by a hate-amplified glancing blow that they will tend to stick around. The ones I *don't* manage to hit tend to stick around for a few seconds after the intim pops but then go back on course. That seems WAI to me, and its nice that my skills actually *do* something without it having to be the absolute focus of the build & gear, unlike what's been done to stealth over the years.
Strikethrough though... I can only ever hit 2 or at most 3 targets. Sure they get a bigger hit now, fine, but what I expect from a THF build is for it to be able to grab and keep aggro on pack of mobs.
I can cope with change, its not like I would have a choice anyway - I understand that THF will have more DPS vs mobs who are close together and in front of you. That's all well and good. What I really don't understand is how Strikethrough does anything but diminish the basic core 'tank' expectation a player might have around grabbing aggro.