"The imagination is not … the faculty for forming images of reality; it is the faculty for forming images which go beyond reality..." - Gaston Bachelard
My general feedback about the Paladin and Knight of the Chalice changes is that it's a step in the right direction. However, I do suggest tweaking a few enhancements, and adding/replacing a couple to make this class and tree a viable alternative to the current DPS meta. My main problem is that while I understanding keeping the tree thematic, too much of it's power is niche and situational. Please, adjust enhancements to make kotc more generally useful.
Add a multiselector, allowing players to also choose Divine Presence (War Soul tree).
Consider changing to: On damage: gain +10 Temporary SP and +5 Melee and Ranged Power for 10 seconds.
Completely replace with this variation of Censure Outsiders: You gain on vorpal: Stun Evil creatures for 3 seconds. Gain +5 melee power.
This is entirely too situational. It's a great ability if you're attacking the right monsters, but almost useless if not. I suggest:
Ascendant Training: +2 to hit and damage with Favored Weapons. You gain Undead and Evil Outsiders as a favored enemy. Additionally, whenever you attack with a Favored Weapon, you gain a stack of Blessed Purpose: +2 Bonus to Melee and Ranged Power that lasts for 6 seconds. You can acquire up to 10 stacks by continuing to attack. Switching to a non-Favored Weapon will reset your stacks.
Changing the ability to this does three things. The melee bonus works regardless of monster type, the melee bonus doesn't conflict the Celestial Champion from Divine Crusader, and it stays thematic relying on favored weapons and favored enemies. Core 6 of kotc could be adjusted to 20 maximum Blessed Purpose stacks.
EDIT: As a tier five ability, replace this with the option of using Charisma for to hit and damage with favored weapons.
Great change, but again, the sacred bonus conflicts with Divine Crusader and, if left unchanged, also with Ascendant Training.
Last edited by ChadB123; 01-18-2020 at 07:09 PM.
Could we get greataxe added as a favoured weapon to one of the higher tier enhancements? I liked playing as a Dwarf Paladin KotC who used a greataxe back in the day. It would be great if that was viable once again.
Would it be broken-tier if it just said 'all two-handed weapons'?
Greatclubs, mauls (I know Sylvanus covers those, but the Lord of Blades covers greatswords and we're still getting those!), falchions.
Sylvanus Paladins will already have the maul favored weapon, and this won't give the Sylvanus feat that makes the mauls that powerful to all of them, just the ability to smoosh skeletons into fine bone dust.
If i have the silvanus deity with the blessing of silvanus +2 crit range for mauls, and i gain new favoured weapons does that crit range apply to the new weapons?
Adept Combatant: +1 to hit and damage with all weapons. Longswords, Battle Axes, Heavy Maces, Morningstars, and War Hammers are considered as favored Weapons regardless of your religion
We don't only build for the builds that exist.
We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.
The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.
Is there ever a plan to address the massive disparity between the different deity weapon benefits? Some are completely useless, others are mostly useless, a few are useful and one is god tier broken. The god tier broken one just happens to require someone buy an iconic and spend on a +1 lesser heart.
Coincidence? The community thinks not.
Paladin's roles Tank, Support, DPS.
Pallys and THFighter sure seem to get some interesting responses in deepReap.
Tanks are welcome in non-raids, if you can't get cc's as cc's are preferred for their helpless/debuff power, constancy and reliability.
Paladin are not DPS in R6-10.
Paladin are the weakest support characters in the game.
So we the players are left with 1 niche spot for pally raid tank or if no cc's sometimes tank reap.
The alternative is to make 1 of the options top tier while reducing others in this case 1 as support is already weak.
So how to lower defense while increasing offense, simply give massive power to Knight of the Chalice Enhancements Core abilities 5 and 6 make them cost 4-6 points each, this will lock out the exact amount of Defense necessary to Make Paladin Great Again.
Ranged FvS says "ha good luck with that"They specifically disallowed the FvS trances from working with ranged - even though the only ranged favored weapon at the time was Longbow...
Ostensibly, you could take Bow Strength for Longbow and then regular DM would give you a benefit (though that'd make you DEX to hit STR to dmg and CHA trance, not ideal). So its only really a question for Xbow in Inqui, and I really doubt they're going to add a trance just for that.
I am surprised we are not seeing an enhancement pick that acts like FvS Grace or Knowledge of Battle for the KotC. Honestly I find Divine Might as a weak option considering what is available via feat or enhancement trees. Perhaps an Enhancement called Crusader's Gusto that uses CON for attack/damage? CON doesn't get alot of love and this could be a good way to enhance the front liner model of the tree.
Maybe a stupid question... But do sacred bonuses stack? A lot of the "plus melee power" bonuses are sacred.. So there seems to be a lot of... Redundancy..
Unless I'm not remembering correctly and they do stack..
Holy Retribution: No longer takes Turn Undead charges. Now only 1 Rank. "Melee Channel Divinity: Executes a powerful holy cleave against nearby targets that deals +5[W] damage, 100 extra holy damage that scales with 200% Melee or Ranged Power, -6 to all ability scores for ten seconds, and recharges one Smite Evil charge to you. " (30 second cooldown.) WHY? IF YOU HAVE TO WAIT 30 SECOND COOLDOWN NO ONE WILL USE IT![]()
Well why would a Paladin want a Charisma to whatever? Divine Might adds your Charisma bonus to your Strength as an Insight bonus, this makes Paladin universally a Strength based job. Paladin doesn't have any offensive spells that would use CHR for DC's, Turn Undead is universally a really bad ability past mid heroics and is instead used to fuel other Divine abilities. DM alone gives +36~40 Strength, highest item based insight bonus is +9/10 so there ya go.
Just trying to see why on earth you'd want Paladin to use Charisma for it's melee? Bard, Sorc, FVS and Warlock I can understand, but not Paladin.
On another note, any word on increasing the light damage dice on the cores? Currently they are too low to be worth much of anything.
Purpose change to Core abilities 5 and 6 through a toggle option offering choice between capstone cores per ap cost
Slayer of Evil IV and Champion of Greater Good
Slayer of Evil III: currant cost AP Cost: 1/ Slayer of Evil IV ap cost: 4
You now gain +4 to hit evil and undead creatures.
Your attacks now deal 5d6 additional Light damage/8d6 additional Light damage
You resist evil influences particularly well, gaining a +4 bonus to saves against spells and effects produced by evil creatures.
Your vorpal hits against undead do an additional 500 damage/Your vorpal hits do an additional 100 damage and 500 damage against undead
Champion of Good: currant cost AP Cost: 1 /Champion of Greater Good ap cost: 6 prerequisite Slayer of Evil IV
You gain +4 Charisma and 10 Melee Power. /You gain +8 Charisma and 20 Melee Power.
The bonuses granted by Courage of Heaven are increased by an additional +2.
You deal 7d6 additional Light damage. /12d6 additional Light damage.
Weapons you wield Good aligned bypassing damage reduction. /Considered Good aligned and Flametouched, Cold Iron.
Aura of Courage grants allies a +3% Sacred Bonus to melee/ranged dmg./Grants you +7% Sacred Bonus to damage.
Blessed Purpose now stacks up to 25 times
edit: This would require a total AP cost of 51 to fill-out Champion of Greater Good.
2nd edit: Also these numbers might be off but even if you double the cost or reduce the benefit its a cool option for players.
Last edited by Zites; 01-21-2020 at 04:57 PM.