Note that we will not be doing our weekly restart tomorrow as we are currently working to release Update 53 in the coming days.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Downtime tomorrow (Thursday, 2/24) maybe? Looking forward to Anniversary SSG
I went to ESO last July and cancelled my DDO VIP. Many of my now 10 years DDO friends did stop or are considering stopping VIP.
Too many signs that the game is heading at the wall. Ok some of you will say we are negative. Face it.
And if I voice my concerns, this is not to bash or be discourteous with SS. I wish they did the right thing to save DDO.
I placed a ticket in November to address the consequences of a way the reincarnations work, only lightly identified in forums and in a short WIKI recap page, burning some of my resources and I am grateful to have received exceptional compensation from SS for the loss. Only, this was resolved 12 weeks after the ticket was placed.
FYI I now have the experience of other MMO's with ticket turnarounds of 24 hours max and few min time responses to in game tickets.
I like the specifics of DDO, and I am nostalgic of the time we were offered creative content.
Too much to do apparently to fix playability issues and software obsolescence. I like DC casting. This area probably has taken one of the strongest hit from the last updates. Mob targeting issues, spells not landing in lag circumstances, spell resistance in specific quests being completely out of wack. The practical examples of misfits are still very numerous.
Too bad, I'll continue watching and playing DDO now and then with my friends, but it will take a real major change for me to endorse this game again.
I bless the efforts of SS to make progress and I unfortunately doubt the pace of the current attempts to adjust the shortcomings will make any substantial difference.
Don't want to be a spoilsport, but everytime I start the launcher it still tells me the game is down and it's 4PM eastern now.
So this is neither here nor there--and definitely hats off to SSG for working diligently to fix said issue. However, I do find it interesting and a bit illogical that the two games that SSG develops come out with major updates on the same day at the same time (Both LOTRO and DDO had updates, both starting at 9am EST ending at 11am EST. I suspect there is some synergy or outright duality between the support/implementation teams of both games.
Anyway, hope to see you ALL on Thelanis tomorrow.
Doh! First there was an issue with CenturyLink preventing me from getting the update. Now the servers are down longer than expected.
ESO has nice graphics but what broke it for me is that Balmora looks nothing like it did in TES III: Morrowind.
I really liked that town, it was a nice hub for quests and I would have loved to relive it in an MMORPG but it was not to be.
Balmora in ESO looks nothing like Balmora in TES III: Morrowind... it's a pale substitute.
Last edited by Moonfalcon; 07-27-2022 at 01:38 PM.
Holy **** it looks so much better. My ESO remembrance is "looks great with meh mechanics."
Nothing beats "d20" mechanics - also ESO really limited the character versatility that makes the single player elder scrolls so fun (and broken). DDO is the only one I've seen come close to having some truly fun apparently functional character versatility. I will make whirling steel work if it's the last thing I do!
Anyway, It's my first server downtime since I haven't played in years and it's now over an hour the servers have been down which is disappointing cause I saw this thread and was like "oh sweet, only an hour downtime."
EDIT: oh, I see the "update until 1pm" Sept 14th notice now, that sucks.
Last edited by Hexokinase; 09-14-2022 at 10:23 AM.
I suggest posting that in the most recent downtime notice found here.
The log in page says all worlds are up except Orien but when i try to log in nothing happens except the DDO windows shut down