It has more than 4 hours that you cannot enter the servers, please what the hell has happened since I changed administrative company, it fails too much, I am seriously thinking about not renewing my subscription to the game, it is too much time lost, continuous errors, connection jumps and they no longer have anything to offer and they have also removed things from the store such as invitations to other characters to learn about the mission and see if it is worth buying or not. I am seriously disappointed in DDO
Servers were suppose to be back up 15 minutes ago..i have limited play time, and when i do get to play ...this sorta thing happens, or crashes, or freezes..all this maintenance you think that the game would run better...HA I don't know if i will renew my sub once the free play thing is over at the end of the month.. seriously disappointed been playing for 10 years on and off and it's getting frustrating..
Is Orien still down? Can't login to it
Ok so there was a downtime notice for 11/11/20 9am - 1pm, so where was the notification for 11/12/20 and why is there another downtime?.
Good afternoon from Mexico, I have not found the words to express my ideas, but I think it is time I have been a player for more than 11 years on this platform called DDO and I have to say that I had a great time on it with friends and family, but I think I'm tired I have several disagreements with this game:
1 The VIP every day is more unmissable, the only use they have is the% of EXP they give because it does not give anything more since I already have almost everything and it is a horrible that despite paying 99 dollars a year at the top you have to pay for each new expansion that comes out at an excessive price since the game has too many herrors and problems that are more noticeable every day.
2 Its happy pass that they gave away that gives access to all adventures is a lack of respect for all those who have old accounts and that it cost us dollars and time to achieve them.
3 The appearance of the Guild is crappy, it lacks too much work once it reaches 200 and there is no point in continuing to do anything else.
4 The item creation system is horrible and unnecessary since you always get items that no matter how much you have craft skill 999, you can't do anything similar to a lvl 15 sharm item.
5 Your ongoing server repairs and updates are a headache.
I hope this message is seen by people who support my way of thinking and that the game admins think about how to fix the discontent of this that I know is not only mine but many people within the server.
Make it worth it, that we spend another time in vip and not think that it is just a waste to do it.
Well put. Another "standard" reboot that's taking longer than expected, which means they're making modifications without communicating to their community. My guild, which has dwindled to nothing despite being a founding guild on Xoriat now Thelanis, is slowly shifting to f2p because of this. I find little incentive to pay, and am finding less incentive every day to even play. It's heart breaking to have been here since beta, to have finally achieved every past life in the game three times over, and honestly considering uninstalling the game because of horrible performance, load screen issues, and lack of communication from SSG or whomever owns DDO these days. I know it's not the norm, but I'd love to see a small break from content development for an honest effort in improving performance. There is a huge chunk of players with vast knowledge of IT infrastructure that can help. Temporarily allow us to run some PCAPs, review some logs, and I bet we can save DDO.
Worlds are coming back up.
Just on the forums now because of the server reboot and I rarely post. I see a lot of posts like this and I will just put my thoughts on this one for all of them.
This game shouldn't be your whole gaming existence. It's a really good game that has lasted a long time and improved tremendously over the years. It has provided most of us with a ridiculous number of hours of enjoyment, but it's not perfect or infinite. It can't be either one, ever. If you've done all the stuff a bunch of times and all you can see are the flaws move on to play and do other things. At least move on for a while. Come back in a couple years to see what's new. We each have to decide what's best to do with our time. Guilds breakdown specifically because lots of the members, wisely, move on when they've exhausted the content available.
Downtime Notice: We will not be doing our weekly restart for DDO on Wednesday, and we are instead targeting a small patch for later this week.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Hope for a less laggy raid evening goes poof.
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Hoping the small patch will fix the new feareater augment from new raid.....
"You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"
NOTE: There will not be a weekly restart on Wednesday as we are working to release a small patch for Thursday.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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