Hi guys,
I am lv4 sorcerer thiefling and doing quests on R3 solo- at end reward there is no guild renown choosable in the top harbourquests on Thelanis today?
Can you please help me, what I am missing?
Best regards
Hi guys,
I am lv4 sorcerer thiefling and doing quests on R3 solo- at end reward there is no guild renown choosable in the top harbourquests on Thelanis today?
Can you please help me, what I am missing?
Best regards
Last edited by Brutuscass; 01-01-2020 at 09:58 AM.
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
The downside to sycophancy is that you never get the best deal.
Free spirits are always condemned. Only sycophants are tolerated.
Even negative feed back can have a positive side if used to improve.
Level 4 "should" be not over-level for Harbor 2's. (It will lower the % chance to get Guild Renown in a chest or end-reward, but should not prohibit it.)
That said, I've seen a bug where, rarely, ZERO guild renown drops for some characters sometimes (I've done enough favor farming in the Harbor to notice this). Maybe it's really bad luck, but 0 out of 2 dozen quest end-rewards plus 3 dozen in-quest chests seems a bit extreme. It's like the Guild doesn't register - and, yes, tried reloging after recruiting to the Guild, doesn't help.
The good news is that it seems to correct itself over time, a day or so. :/
I doubt if this applies, but just in case...
There is also a daily limit to the renown a guild can earn. If your guild is active and gained a couple levels already, like if someone turned in a Saga reward for renown, the guild may be limited out for the day.
In any case - yeah, they can be fickle even when you're in level range.
All of the quests have a maximum character level that you can get renown from the end reward.
Some of the level 2 quests have this at level 3, so you are too high level.
This makes no sense, as level 4 is the recommended level for elite or reaper, but DDO has a lot of things that make no sense.
Yeah, if a Guild gains +3 levels in one day then all renown (except Sagas) drops to ZERO, which makes leveling up NEW Guilds really painful at first (as 3,200 renown can be trivial to earn). :/
o https://ddowiki.com/page/Guild_Renow...t_Guild_Renown
Never heard of this. Where are you getting this information from? Reference?
This is why I do the actual level-up only very late.
"You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"