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  1. #1
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Default Fireside Chat with the Pirate, New Year

    OK, a day early.
    Finish transferring toons BEFORE Jan 5

    The developers were very generous keeping the HC server up for so long
    after the event. Let us be grateful guests and clean out any mess.

    Am I looking forward to the next one?..YES!

    So, did everyone get a toon to lvl 20 ? no
    If I had to guess, less than half (or worse)

    Let us fix that. Keep in mind there are 4 or so events going on at the same time.

    Reaper levels
    General favor
    Leader boards
    get to level 20 ALIVE

    Let us chat briefly on the last item (easiest to win)

    Here is how to do it (it you failed last time)...solo (best way to do that one)
    Make a well known 'face-melter' do nothing but Hard or Normal
    ID the dungeons that kill to easy and don't do those...get that toon to 20, collect reward - park it
    Leave it alone until the event is get your cosmetic and a spot on the "I am still alive" list.

    >>>Stay out of reapers or elite<<< Don't do it !
    Champs will be low type and manageable

    Make a new toon to take a shot at favor awards.

    Fav generic face-melter for the job - Warforge/arty, Harper(if you have it) and racial lines
    Should be good on ANY normal or hard dungeon solo.
    Bring a fighter type hiring, done deal

    If it is too boring to do all the time, make a favor or reaper alt but keep your
    face-melter marching to the lvl 20 reward - never higher than hard. Never over your level
    Vanilla - gets you the reward

    Happy New Year

    Next Hardcore event guild name - 'Aperture Science'
    Testing Chamber Outreach Program --- for science

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    You can finish difficult quests when youre four levels higher than the base level of the quest to get full favor on elite setting. Some quests still may be too difficult to chance it though.

    Im also looking forward to the next HCL Happy New Year!

  3. #3
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    advice was mainly for players who never made it to 20

    They died somewhere in an elite dungeon.

    You, me and the reasonably experienced can handle ...most... elite dungeons solo.

    But for newer players or players who are ... we can call them casual, best bet is to
    stay out of elite if you want 20 without a death.

    They should also make sure their toon has trap skills.
    at normal and hard... traps are not GENERALLY instant lethal
    but having trap skills will make the trip easier.

    biggest killer in elite - multiple Champ spawns

  4. #4
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    as a note a would love to discuss strategy on winning the 2 favor awards,
    but until we know the league rules for season 2, would be a waste of time.
    Sure the rules might stay the same but I would not bet on it.

    Generically I can say, the trick is to hit all the dungeons on elite at exactly
    a level 4 levels higher than the dungeon's stated level on normal.

    but let us wait for more info on that.

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