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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Help With Heart of Wood

    So, in-game support has been entirely unhelpful. Long story short, I came back to this game after a long break and decided I didn't want my character to be a Paladin anymore. I came back to a level 5 Paladin and decided it was boring so decided to use a +20 Lesser Heart of Wood (BtA) I had laying around to change into a Fiend Warlock. Well, I hadn't played DDO in a long time and forgot about alignment restrictions. Being the lawful good paladin that I am, I'm only locked into playing Fey without an alignment change (which I was perfectly willing to buy...but the DDO store literally will not let me).

    GMs were unable to help me with this, saying "There are always ways to change your alignment. As this problem was not caused by an in-game bug, support cannot help you." When in this situation there is no way to change my alignment and my Pact in the same reincarnation (would literally have to spend another heart of wood to do so. If I had bought a +5 heart from the DDO store to change class, that means I'd need to spend 2985 points or right around $25-30 just to change a level 5 character from a Paladin to a Fiend Warlock)

    Fine, okay. Ticket closed so I submit another to at least try to get my +20 Heart of Wood back because I'm not going to use it after all. Support basically says "Yeah we can't help you with that"

    Specifically it says "Greetings, Thank you for contacting in-game support. We apologize however we are unable to reimburse your heart for you. Please note there are resources available on the web and on our forums that can guide you on how to properly reincarnate!"

    So here I am now. I'm sorry to raise a fuss, I'm really just trying to play a character that I will enjoy or at least get my heart back so I can make better use of it later.

    EDIT: Here are the ticket numbers if that's helpful:

    Last edited by ChemE; 12-29-2019 at 10:10 PM.
    5th Life Human Paladin - Sorrowanddoo
    11th Life Sun Elf Wizard - Sorrowandei
    3rd Life Human Fighter - Sorrowandai

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