Have you considered adding the World of Greyhawk to DDO? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greyhawk_Adventures
I recall adventuring in this world during my PnP AD&D days many many many years ago. Great fun it was!!!
Have you considered adding the World of Greyhawk to DDO? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greyhawk_Adventures
I recall adventuring in this world during my PnP AD&D days many many many years ago. Great fun it was!!!
There are several classic modules adapted into quests that were originally set in greyhawk afaik - slave lords, white plume mountain and temple of elemental evil. And more on the way (isle of dread)
I would agree other settings get central zones (may be part of a city, town or something similar) for non Eberron, non Forgottenrealms and non Ravenloft settings.
As a note, although the content is tiny compared to Eberron, Ravenloft area is pretty much, more satisfying then ,even, Stormreach. May be Eberron setting could get a similar expansion for Xendrik and Khorvaire at least.
Meanwhile the Greyhawk, has mainly the Slavers, The Temple of elemental evil and Whiteplume mountain sets. The village of Hommlet may be easier to build compared to the city of Greyhawk. Hall of heroes is the passage between these right now.
Even the city of Stormreach we have now, would be at least ten times the size if developers wished to upgrade it to more realistic proportions. Imagine Xendrik as the entire continent. I can not even imagine developers building the Eberron setting with true proportions.
Last edited by Kutalp; 01-04-2020 at 10:48 PM.
Greyhawk is a great world, but a different one from Eberron and Forgotten Realms. And there is a reason D&D has (largely) kept them separate - they have separate authors, separate creative ownership. It's not one big "D&D" stew when it comes down to commercial usage.
As I understand some of the DDO decisions, some significant factors are based on Licensing - whether they have permission to use content, whether they would have to pay/negotiate to use copyrighted content (or use it in a diff way), what they can/not use, and whether they can/not mix one with another (Eberron and FR, for example).
Depending, this could be a dealbreaker before it starts, and I bet is a big reason why we don't see more GH material (along w/ consistency of canon).
Last edited by C-Dog; 01-03-2020 at 05:29 PM.