I posted in general about my return from a 3 year break. I have a few Chars and was getting a bit burned out before I left. I got stuck on the TR train and I bored myself with my two main chars.
One has always been a spell caster with multi past lives, she is currently on a warlock life level 10. I will run her to cap and I think TR her into a wiz/rogue.
I am having a major problem with my other main though. He has always been a bard, except for one pally past life. Has 3 bard past lives and all bar 4 of the epic destiny trees at level 5. I don't know what I was doing when I TR'd him before I left.
I came back a couple of days ago and he was a 4 cleric/ 2 pally/ 2 fighter. using a 2 handed weapon. Because I was a bit lost I decided to check out the new inquisitor, hoping I could rush him to cap and then look at a new melee tr path.
I LR'd him and invested in the Inq tree. the problem is I am grouping and really not achieving much. I followed some Inq builds to get an idea of what feats to invest in but with my class levels I am not really any type of build. Can't heal properly, can't do much range damage and if I go back to melee not very good at that either/ don't know what build I was going for.
So, basically, if anyone could give me any suggestions about how best to recover this character to just make him semi useful to get to 20 I would really appreciate it.
I'll post some stats below.