I think i have all the ingredients for making my first green steel item. I wanna make a 45 hp item with displacement clicky.
But it is very hard to figure out which item to make.
Do you guys make multiple, some for mid level and some for high level?
I wanted to try and make it fit for most builds and this is what I've got:
Beacon of magic: Armor, waist, gloves
Knight of the shadow: Armor, waist, eye
Crypt raider: Armor, neck, trinket – not needed
silent avenger: armor, cloak, waist
Adherent of the mist: Belt, boots, bracers, cloak, Gloves, goggles, necklaces, rings.
You have:
3*Belts, 1*Boots, 1*Bracers, 2*Cloak, 2*Gloves, 2*Goggles, 0*Helms, 2*Necklaces, 1*Rings.
Arcsteel battlemage: Armor, helm, gloves
Esoteric Initiate: Armor, bracers, goggles - Needed
Flamecleansed Fury: Armor, cloak, bracers
Guardian of the Gates: Armor, helm, necklace - Needed
Hruit's Influence: Armor, necklace, gloves
Part of the Family: Armor, necklace, gloves - Needed
Wallwatch: Armor, helm, gloves - Needed
You have:
Belts, Boots, 1*Bracers, Cloak, 2*Gloves, 1*Goggles, 2*Helms, 2*Necklaces, Rings.
So for ravenloft gear helms are best and for sharn belts are best.
Any advice?