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Thread: UMD Tome issue

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default UMD Tome issue

    Hi! I purchased a +5 UMD Tome and my skill tooltip says I have a 4 inherent. I'm still level 9 though, is that why I can't use the tome? It says I already have the skill bonus, but the skill tooltip says I don't.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    You likely already have used a +5 on that character but aren't high enough level to see it. When you hit lvl 11, you'll see the +5 inherent show up.

    What + value you see is relative to your level to prevent making a lvl 1 character over powered.
    +1 and +2 Tomes will be applied at level 1 and higher
    +3 Tomes will be applied at level 3 and higher
    +4 Tomes will be applied at level 7 and higher
    +5 Tomes will be applied at level 11 and higher

  3. #3
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    ****, so they still haven't updated the tooltip, it still says 13 +4 and 17 +5.

    Guess I'll ask for a refund then!

  4. #4
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    If for some reason they can't refund you, and you use Cannith Crafting... can exchange a +5 UMD Tome for 25 Purified Dragonshard Fragments. They are BTA so you can pass them to your Cannith Crafter.

  5. #5
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    I'm hoping for a refund, since there is no indication whatsoever that I already had the tome

    But very interesting indeed, I finally have a use for all the +1 and +1 to +2 upgrade tomes that I keep finding and throwing away on the dice rollers from other servers, awesome!
    Last edited by Jango-EX; 12-24-2019 at 05:14 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member math92's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jango-EX View Post
    Guess I'll ask for a refund then!
    Hmm, if they wont refund your purchase. You should solo the dungeon - No Refunds - on R10 to get the frustration out of you.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jango-EX View Post
    ****, so they still haven't updated the tooltip, it still says 13 +4 and 17 +5.

    Guess I'll ask for a refund then!
    Or you could level to 11. Doubt you'll get a refund. You should read through the refund terms -- they're draconic.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  8. #8
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    It seems that I already have the tome. I don't know, there is no indication nowhere in the game that says I do, not even in the Store, unlike all other items that give an attention warning, and even so, the ones that give the warning have the appropriate feats to tell us what tome we already have.

    So leveling up is not the issue here. Nothing else to do but wait for the response, I suppose. It was not my fault, so I don't think anything other than a refund would be appropriate.
    Last edited by Jango-EX; 12-25-2019 at 02:36 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    Skill window is what tells you. It's on you to check what you have before buying again.

  10. #10
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    You clearly didn't understand what happened, the skill window told me that I had 4 and not 5.

    It's on you to read and comprehend before saying stuff, especially if it's not something helpful.

  11. #11
    Community Member Drecas's Avatar
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    "Caveat emptor".

  12. #12
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    It is not real estate, you know? It's just a tome!

    Anyway, I understand what you guys are saying and I'm saying that it's a good oportunity for the game to improve by giving us a way to assess our purchases correctly and not feel "trapped" into buying something we didn't need.

    I'm not looking for a fight nor a toxic community, I left WOW because of that and I'm proud of being a DDO player, its community and SSG. I really came here to understand why the tome didn't work, not to make a crusade about being right.

  13. #13
    Community Member Sharktopus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jango-EX View Post
    Anyway, I understand what you guys are saying and I'm saying that it's a good oportunity for the game to improve by giving us a way to assess our purchases correctly and not feel "trapped" into buying something we didn't need.
    So last week I saw that experience tomes were on sale. I am pretty sure I only have a lesser epic tome, and was interested in upgrading to a greater tome. Problem is, I was level 14 and had absolutely no way of telling which Epic tome my main had.

    Main is 10ish years old. I just started playing again after a year or more break. I decided not to make the purchase because I didn't want to end up with a tome I couldn't use.

    My point is, I sympathize, and ddo has a really backwards way of tracking character specific purchases that are not really of any use to the player, and SSG lost a sale because I didn't have enough information to make a purchase.

    A couple days ago I ran into a similar problem again: not knowing if I had a +6 dex tome, or +7 or +8. I need at least a +7 to qualify for Improved precise shot at level 21, but I was only level 17, the tool tip said I had a +6 tome and I can't remember.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharktopus View Post
    So last week I saw that experience tomes were on sale. I am pretty sure I only have a lesser epic tome, and was interested in upgrading to a greater tome. Problem is, I was level 14 and had absolutely no way of telling which Epic tome my main had.

    Main is 10ish years old. I just started playing again after a year or more break. I decided not to make the purchase because I didn't want to end up with a tome I couldn't use.

    My point is, I sympathize, and ddo has a really backwards way of tracking character specific purchases that are not really of any use to the player, and SSG lost a sale because I didn't have enough information to make a purchase.

    A couple days ago I ran into a similar problem again: not knowing if I had a +6 dex tome, or +7 or +8. I need at least a +7 to qualify for Improved precise shot at level 21, but I was only level 17, the tool tip said I had a +6 tome and I can't remember.
    Thanks, precisely! Even more pressing now that there is a big thing around tomes, right? We got a myriad of tomes, we need information about them in order to buy. I used to have a spreadsheet for those, but I stopped mantaining it when the inherent feats arrived... only realized there were no feats for skills when I decided to buy the tome.

    Can't remember for the life of me when I ate the +5 UMD, my toon is running around since 2013! And of course, with dozens of tomes to keep track off, one can't expect us to remember all of them.

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