Welcome all on this 22nd of December.
I decided to make a fireside chat thread here, because I wanted to.
This month (hint that I will do this monthly), I would like to talk about some of the things
that I am hoping for in the next year as it relates to DDO.
1. LAG
Yes, it is number one on everyone's mind. My number 1 hope is that they get a handle on it.
2. I hope they do some rethinking and redesigning of Reaper levels. "Make the Kobolds tougher
than demons and sprinkle in a few fog like boogie-men." Just does not cut it for me.
3. After alchemist, realize that the game has enough classes. We are good in that department, full even.
4. I would like to see a large SHARED outdoor or dungeon area. I would like to see other parties (with in reason).
Maybe some huge new campaign area with a player cap.
5. Evil player alignment. It is long over due.
That is all for this month. Happy Holidays.
See you next month or on the HC Server...whatever comes first.