I'm trying to build a gear set for an Alt Tiefling Fire Sorc at cap. Since I don't really have the freetime irl to raid, I'm trying to come up with a Sharn/RL based set I can live with just from running the basic quests. I will leave a slot for a LGS item since at some point I'll get lucky and join a pug Leg Shroud raid.
Here's what I have so far:
Head: Arcsteel Brim Spell Focus Will Save MRR ??
Neck: Azure Sky Combustion Fire Lore Efficiency caster level
Goggle: Dusk Lenses Potency Ins Potency
Belt: BurnScar More Combustion
Gloves: Thimbleweave Spell Focus Conjuration
Cloak: Gossamer Weave Enchant DC Illusion DC
Bracers Aetherband Spell Pen Ins Spell Pen Shield
Armor Feywild Set Fort False Life PRR Exc. Lore Exc. SP
Boots LGS Fire Crit
Ring A Shattered Onyx 10 Ins CHA 2 Profane DC
Ring B Stolen Signet 22 CHA Qual Potency
Trinket currently open, running CC +15 Con of +7 Insightful Con.
Weapon Wild Flame Ins Combustion Evo Focus 8 Fire Lore
Offhand: Spiral Exceptional Lore (if I ever get one)
This gear set is missing a bunch of stuff like, say Con, so is obviously not correct, but gives an insane amount of fire SP, crit chance and crit dmg. What should I be running instead?