Would you consider adding a Boss Monster Manual that gives similar rewards to the existing Monster Manual. It would be good to be able to see all the Bosses you have defeated, and it could also give some background and lore on the Bosses including resistances, weaknesses, quest they were in, etc, like you do for the monster manual. For where the same boss appears in Heroic, Epic or Legendary, I would suggest a tick under their entry for the difficulty level rather than multiple entries.
I know the monster manual is not fully complete, we have some monster types found in quests missing still, so you could do this with fully completing the Monster Manual.

You could sell character books in store for a FTP Accounts, and for VIP its included as part of the subscription as normal. Or you could include for FTP the Boss books when a player buys a quest pack, so they get a quest pack plus the Boss Book for that pack.
For collecting all of the Bosses, rares etc you could give a reward as an example, a one time permanent hireling boss for 1 character who you collected the reward on (bound to character), or a statue to go on the prow of your guild ship that persists through upgrades, cosmetic armour of a boss, etc etc there is a wealth of different rewards you could offer on a list.
You could also give a reset token in store, so you can reset your Account Boss manual, so you can go through and collect all the Bosses again and select a different or same reward again.

For account the book will list all of the NPC boss's (mini, rare and end boss) throughout all of the Dungeons, Raids, Explorer Rares, and Challenge packs, basically every single boss/ rare in the game, from Muck in Durks to Strahd in Curse of Strahd. I would suggest events as well but people dont always get to play all the time so they could miss out on completing the Boss Books and the Boss you create for the event might only appear once, you could add it in a special section that does not add to the Boss Book completion.

For Character it would just be the end boss of the Dungeons, Raids and the Explorer Rare Encounters, and resets as normal when you TR.

This would encourage people to start playing the older raids, packs that are not played much, wilderness groups etc.


(Posted here as put in the wrong section originally)