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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by janave View Post
    • Greater Manyshot (Cone or Chain based ranged attack?)

    (dedication/bond to a single weapon and all that...)
    I've thought about this too - more geometries for ranged AOE besides just the linear IPS. That's a possibility for Fighter feats too - essentially give them Cone or Chain Shape from Warlock, but with their ranged weapon attacks. It'd be a lot of fun. I see it more as a stance feat (exclusive with IPS, and with the same requirements) than a clicky like Manyshot though.

    However, I'd envisioned it more for Bow archery - make them Bow-specific stances, to help define more of a niche for Bow archery. Xbows give you single target and linear AOE, but bows could give you cone, chain, or circular AOE, making both good situationally. I think that's a more important role to define than just ranged Kensei.

    And there's possibility for some synergy with Occult Slayer there too, since they actually DO have Weapon Bonding. And OS is definitely the worst of the three Barb trees.

    Quote Originally Posted by lyrecono View Post
    What about a uninersal 2hf tree

    I've called for this before too - a Brawler tree that specializes in unarmed and Greatclubs, analogous to how VKF specializes in SWF and TWF daggers. That'd open up rolespace for unarmed non-Monks (like Fighters and Barbs, especially), let unarmed pure Monks have 80 AP of enhancements to spend on...and then Greatclubs could be for THF what Xbows became with Inqui, since both THF and Greatclubs are currently underserved.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post
    I do agree that fighters should be boosted, but I do not think we need new feats. Just increase the boni on the feats they have already.

    Give the defensive feats more AC, PRR and MRR.

    Give the offensive feats more melee and ranged power, and crit range / multiplier bonus.
    The current feats need a little love, yes...but that's true regardless of whether new feats are added or not.

    But that doesnt change the issue that there just arent enough options for a pure fighter. Its analogous to the old Enhancement system where there was just one linear path. Fighters have one suite of choices to follow up as they unlock....there's no real tradeoff or customization. Having a suite of playstyle-specific feats to choose from would let you specialize your build to that playstyle, which to me seems quintessential to what a Fighter is.

  2. #22
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Here is the trick

    We do not need a bunch of new fighter feats ... a couple but not a lot.

    What we DO need is that some of the melee/range feats should work BETTER when used by a fighter
    who has at least 50% of their classes as fighter.

    So power attack gives them a better damage boost
    Cleave does more than +1W
    Point Blank does more for them ... etc.

    Treat it as a passive benefit, as long as you have 50% or more levels as straight fighter.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    What we DO need is that some of the melee/range feats should work BETTER when used by a fighter who has at least 50% of their classes as fighter.
    Agreed. Fighters already have the tools needed, they just need to be amped.

  4. #24
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
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    Updated the Warrior (Fighter/Barbarian) specific feat chain suggestions.

    I believe Fighter and Barbarian shall not multiclass to be more effective at fighting, surviving and to be resourcefull; be it solo or team gameplay.

    If you friends may ever be interested in.

    Summary of combat right now Critical (IC, Knight's Training, Swash, Sylvanus) feats and enhancements, Two weapon fighting (Ranger/Tracker/Scout best TWF) to hit and trigger weapon effects more often. Ranged speed feats. Precision to bypass fortification bit better. TCF/ Two crossbow fighting...None of these are warrior class specific.

    All characters including Wizard, Cleric, Favored soul can all be better at melee, Rogue is the best with Artificer for Crossbow Ranged (Dominating everything). Wizard and Artificer beating all hitpoint feats and enhancements , Wolf form a caster; Druid is the fastest melee fighter.

    A Sorcerer or Warlock or Palemaster wielding any type of weapon can be much better than Fighter or Barbarian at survivng and fighting hordes of npcs right now. Artificier is best Warhammer and Garden gnome the best swash bludgeon specialist. A peaceful meditating Monk beats Warriors half a dozen ways both at melee and ranged and survival.

    So. No. Fighter and Barbarian are the worst compared to them right now. Neither of these have the best tools. Old grumpy players such as me insist playing with flavor builds. This should really change.
    Last edited by Kutalp; 12-24-2019 at 10:06 PM.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    Treat it as a passive benefit, as long as you have 50% or more levels as straight fighter.
    Meh I dont like the "50% of your levels" restriction on FvS, I wouldnt want to see it on Fighter. Its too restrictive on you as you're leveling up, forcing you to take a certain order of class levels. Plus I think it would be good if /8 splashes were still viable in some cases too.

    I dont see why you couldnt just have "Improved Cleave" or "Improved PBS" feats that were Fighter feats locked to certain Fighter levels, that gave additional bonuses to those base feats.

  6. #26
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    nice suggestions but are these threads ever read by devs? let alone responded by one? in a positive manner?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  7. #27
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    They read every one of them...easy enough to prove, post something nasty against the rules
    and you will see how quickly it gets a response you don't want.

    Now, will they COMMENT on everything they read?

    That is your real question. No they will not.
    But they do read it.

  8. #28
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    They read every one of them...easy enough to prove, post something nasty against the rules
    and you will see how quickly it gets a response you don't want.

    Now, will they COMMENT on everything they read?

    That is your real question. No they will not.
    But they do read it.
    lol, did they read it or did someone report it for them?

    the point i was making that for many months, threads like these get ignored.

    Any ecosystem is a delicate balance, that also goes for an mmo population, when the devs carelessly cut parts of the population of from content end segregates the rest though 14! difficulty settings, then there will be consequences.

    there are people willing to pay for a good 2hf tree or class that isn't crippled in high reaper, an equivalent of the inq but for the last few years, we get ignored, in favor of another x-bow fan service, bad gear, bad game balance, useless race of the month that will be forgotten soon, a fake&warped difficulty setting(and reaper tree no one in their right mind asked for) need i go on?
    The list of monumental failures that the devs refuse to correct or even take responsibility for is ever growing and 2hf (and real melee classes) have been getting the shaft for a long while now but so have other playstyles, it needs to end.
    It creates an unhealthy game community, just catering to the rich and immoral crowd that wants power regardless the price and the victims, how many more of the "(i just woke up after my powertrip and now) the lfm is dead" threads need to pop up before people realize this mmo is starting to turn into a single player rpg?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  9. #29
    DDO Official Troubadour Taurnish's Avatar
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    Default melee fighter/ barbarian additions

    I see some great ideas in this thread.

    I would not prefer more time to be spent on ranged combat at this moment (after all, the new alchemist from what I understand is ranged focus). I do think the non-monk melee classes need a boost specifically the THF style.

    Other ideas that have been mentioned that I would like to see:

    1) The more levels of barbarian or fighter you have would increase the benefit of certain melee feats such as power attack, TWF, SWF, THF. This does not limit the build to be 50% or more fighter/barbarian etc. Instead each basic feat could be "boosted" based upon the total number of levels in the class and potentially boosted even more with specific epic destinies. Say a boost every 6 levels of fighter or barbarian.

    2) Make a pole-arm style combat to go along with two handed fighting (and a couple of options for weapons)

    3) improve upon the greatclub when compared with other two-handers

    4) Improve some of the defensive feats in a similar manner as I mention in #1. I would increment these at every 6 levels with a possibility of 3 in total. Improved defensive fighting.

    5) allow some barbarians to use a form of heavy armor with limited dodge ability

    6) allow some fighters to use heavy armor with THF or TWF and get increased defense similar to the ability of a tempest and/or increased melee power for fighting in the heaviest armor.

    7) some of what I mention above could be done by modification of current feats although I think a few would be of value enough to allow as new specific fighter/barbarian feats.

    8) Improve some of the existing feats such as feint, whirlwind, sap, resilience, weapon specialization, slicing blow.

    9) Before mounted combat is included in any form I would like to see some of the above suggestions given attention as well as old bugs, cleanup of old loot, old raids.

    10) I am not opposed to a new universal tree focusing on melee that would add something different than Vistani brings to the game. The Cavalier with a heavy/medium armor requirement that could be used by paladins, barbarians, fighters, artificers and even melee divines or arcanes would be a fun yet different tree than we currently have.

    Thanks for reading.
    Cannith! Too many alts to list. Lorrtusk, Lorrtank (my main), Lorrgar, Jimipage, Taurnish, etc.

  10. #30
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
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    I agree with the most part and would support. What I do not agree is warriors wearing heavy armor to fight better.

    It is horribly wrong to squish close combat in to Heavy/Metal/Plate armors. A warrior without heavier armors should have (in real life has) better options such as avoidance, dodge, evasion, faster movement, mobility and faster attack speed.

    Fighting is keep on moving while covering the most vital parts of the body with higher quality but lighter weight protection as much as possible.

    On the contrary, finer quality weapons and armors (and when we count Eberron lore of futuristic Renaissance/Not truly Dark ages medival style ?) were not bulky and cumbersome. Modern equipment, by means of protection, in real life is also much lighter than the ones used at past times...Meanwhile providing considerably better protection and performance.

    Warrior classes (Fighter/Barbarian) need more health, avoidance and faster reaction times. Which means lighter weight but better quality equipment as well as warrior specific qualities.

    Wouldnt a DDO Fighter wish for Lighter armors and shields that provide better protection and supporting avoidance and speed as a bonus. Wouldnt a DDO Fighter wish for faster but harder hitting Two handed weapons (doesnt have to be heaviest around but sharper or has the best shape and angles to twist the combat maneuvers ) aswell ?

    Imagine DDO Fighters and Barbarians asking for modified equipment and style. Does not have to be but could even be Force sabers, force shields and light weight protection. It is still a warrior with great advantages at the field. Just imagine.

    I for myself seek a different approach for warrior classes since crossbow dominated the game. If we would go as much realistic as possible then we would wear Chest protection aswell as shoulder, wrist and ankle protection. Rest is padding. Main weapons Composite bows and Polearms and Firearms (if this would be the era of the passage. Meanwhile Eberron is far beyond that allready)

    A more realistic approach for Eberron would be Melee specialists using Force based protection and weapons and be very mobile at the frontlines. We allready have force fields everywhere at Eberron.

    (Why Two handed ? The reach; not the weight. The cost is no shield or a secondary weapon to strike or parry with, at close up contact)

    If it is the shape. The qualified technology behind the Force field and weapons for sure could reshape it and would make it look like an ordinary outfit for the warrior.

    Back to Eberron.

    This is Eberron.

    (Some Horc/Gamorrean parody)
    Last edited by Kutalp; 12-26-2019 at 12:47 PM.

  11. #31
    Community Member raclaw's Avatar
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    Default Skills

    Balance as class skill for fighters and barbarians, repair as class skill for Bladefored paladins

  12. #32
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raclaw View Post
    Balance as class skill for fighters and barbarians, repair as class skill for Bladefored paladins

    I agree.

    Actually Fighter could be the Core class and Construction Foundation for Developers to open New doors and build classes and proficiencies. Anything else would be similar to applications based on Fighter Template.

    By empowering the existing feats and adding new ones and unlocking each with different statistics or racial requirements, hundreds of different type of Builds could be carved out by thePlayers themselves. This wasand is the best thing about DDO. Carving out Your Own build. (Please check page One if you have not allready done reading the comments)

    The revamp and upgrade includes Enlightened Warrior with much better skill and saves base aswell as avoidance during the fights, instead of wearing heaviest armor, swinging a weapon and watch for the highest critical hits.

    Last edited by Kutalp; 12-26-2019 at 04:56 PM.

  13. #33
    Community Member rarothrock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    Add polearms (with extended range over normal melee) into the game. Toss in some stuff deep into fighter a line to improve them... Fighters will suddenly be super popular.
    Also add javelins. The darn hobgoblins have been using them as long as I have been playing and I STILL can't pick one up and throw it back at them!
    Ratyr, Champion of Hardcore League Season 1 for reaper XP.
    Ratyr[x] and Rarius on Cannith and Leader of Coven of Heroes.

  14. #34
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kutalp View Post
    I agree with the most part and would support. What I do not agree is warriors wearing heavy armor to fight better.

    It is horribly wrong to squish close combat in to Heavy/Metal/Plate armors. A warrior without heavier armors should have (in real life has) better options such as avoidance, dodge, evasion, faster movement, mobility and faster attack speed.

    Fighting is keep on moving while covering the most vital parts of the body with higher quality but lighter weight protection as much as possible.

    On the contrary, finer quality weapons and armors (and when we count Eberron lore of futuristic Renaissance/Not truly Dark ages medival style ?) were not bulky and cumbersome. Modern equipment, by means of protection, in real life is also much lighter than the ones used at past times...Meanwhile providing considerably better protection and performance.

    Warrior classes (Fighter/Barbarian) need more health, avoidance and faster reaction times. Which means lighter weight but better quality equipment as well as warrior specific qualities.

    Wouldnt a DDO Fighter wish for Lighter armors and shields that provide better protection and supporting avoidance and speed as a bonus. Wouldnt a DDO Fighter wish for faster but harder hitting Two handed weapons (doesnt have to be heaviest around but sharper or has the best shape and angles to twist the combat maneuvers ) aswell ?

    Imagine DDO Fighters and Barbarians asking for modified equipment and style. Does not have to be but could even be Force sabers, force shields and light weight protection. It is still a warrior with great advantages at the field. Just imagine.

    I for myself seek a different approach for warrior classes since crossbow dominated the game. If we would go as much realistic as possible then we would wear Chest protection aswell as shoulder, wrist and ankle protection. Rest is padding. Main weapons Composite bows and Polearms and Firearms (if this would be the era of the passage. Meanwhile Eberron is far beyond that allready)

    A more realistic approach for Eberron would be Melee specialists using Force based protection and weapons and be very mobile at the frontlines. We allready have force fields everywhere at Eberron.

    (Why Two handed ? The reach; not the weight. The cost is no shield or a secondary weapon to strike or parry with, at close up contact)

    If it is the shape. The qualified technology behind the Force field and weapons for sure could reshape it and would make it look like an ordinary outfit for the warrior.

    Back to Eberron.

    This is Eberron.

    (Some Horc/Gamorrean parody)

    wel, since you did bring in star wars,

    this is what barbarian rage looks like in a galaxy far, far away....

    not the wimpy excuse the devs put forth in this game
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  15. #35
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
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    Barb Vader.

    Allright. Here it goes the name also reminds me: Barbwire.

    Shadarkai- Rogue/Inquisitive/Barbarian (Sadly only PDK is Charisma based; but here it is !)

    Alot more dangerous then Vader if you ask me (lol)

    Last edited by Kutalp; 12-28-2019 at 07:02 PM.

  16. #36
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lyrecono View Post
    wel, since you did bring in star wars,

    this is what barbarian rage looks like in a galaxy far, far away....

    not the wimpy excuse the devs put forth in this game
    Didn't seem very ragey to me. Seems more finesse with all deflecting.

  17. #37
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    Two handed weapons were mad to cut thru lines, not to scratch skin.

    I would suggest a feat similar to Momentum Swing, that also does a step forward animation, if doing a kill with it, it does further quick lash forwards. Kinda like a Melee's IPS but somewhat wider AoE, also additional help to move quicker while using it. Mobs are actually using similar 3-4 attack forward jump/dashing animations, there is no reason a Fighter could not train something like that.

  18. #38
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by janave View Post
    Two handed weapons were mad to cut thru lines, not to scratch skin.

    I would suggest a feat similar to Momentum Swing, that also does a step forward animation, if doing a kill with it, it does further quick lash forwards. Kinda like a Melee's IPS but somewhat wider AoE, also additional help to move quicker while using it. Mobs are actually using similar 3-4 attack forward jump/dashing animations, there is no reason a Fighter could not train something like that.

    I agree. Mobility and avoidance , together should be more viable.

    I also would really like to see feats, enhancements and compatibility with Stalward tree when wearing a Light armor (even without shield).

  19. #39
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    I would like a Armor class Feat that Greatly increased AC for medium and heavy armor. It Could be added to heavy armor training feats.

  20. #40
    Community Member Jerevth's Avatar
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    I'd love a Feat that locks the melee fighter in stride with the target. Mob steps back or runs after another player, then you follow him in melee range, so long as he's targeted. No work-up series of attacks that suddenly miss because the mob leaps back. You're on him like glue planting that final strike. Skill set to augment would be "Jump". Melee attack only.

    Or, if that proves too jarring (the screen lurches while following the kobold shaman)...
    Have a stacking DC that lays him flat on his back for several seconds because he provided you with an attack of opportunity. Make it a tactical feat (to use the tactical bonuses) and call it Attack of Opportunity, Improved AoO and Greater AoO. Three second cool down. Applies to all mobs within the Cleave arc dimension. Each higher AoO grants a bonus +2 to the requisite DC. (Strength, Wisdom, Charisma, Intel to hit for melee.)

    I hate chasing mobs when someone else pulls aggro and runs in a panic.
    Way too many mobs skitter back suddenly (I noticed some do have an indicator they are going to move back, but not many- I can't name the mobs; it's a Pavlovian trained response, see the animation, take a step forward when they do.)
    Last edited by Jerevth; 12-30-2019 at 03:13 PM.
    In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
    *All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.

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