I agree with the most part and would support. What I do not agree is warriors wearing heavy armor to fight better.
It is horribly wrong to squish close combat in to Heavy/Metal/Plate armors. A warrior without heavier armors should have (in real life has) better options such as avoidance, dodge, evasion, faster movement, mobility and faster attack speed.
Fighting is keep on moving while covering the most vital parts of the body with higher quality but lighter weight protection as much as possible.
On the contrary, finer quality weapons and armors (and when we count Eberron lore of futuristic Renaissance/Not truly Dark ages medival style ?) were not bulky and cumbersome. Modern equipment, by means of protection, in real life is also much lighter than the ones used at past times...Meanwhile providing considerably better protection and performance.
Warrior classes (Fighter/Barbarian) need more health, avoidance and faster reaction times. Which means lighter weight but better quality equipment as well as warrior specific qualities.
Wouldnt a DDO Fighter wish for Lighter armors and shields that provide better protection and supporting avoidance and speed as a bonus. Wouldnt a DDO Fighter wish for faster but harder hitting Two handed weapons (doesnt have to be heaviest around but sharper or has the best shape and angles to twist the combat maneuvers ) aswell ?
Imagine DDO Fighters and Barbarians asking for modified equipment and style. Does not have to be but could even be Force sabers, force shields and light weight protection. It is still a warrior with great advantages at the field. Just imagine.
I for myself seek a different approach for warrior classes since crossbow dominated the game. If we would go as much realistic as possible then we would wear Chest protection aswell as shoulder, wrist and ankle protection. Rest is padding. Main weapons Composite bows and Polearms and Firearms (if this would be the era of the passage. Meanwhile Eberron is far beyond that allready)
A more realistic approach for Eberron would be Melee specialists using Force based protection and weapons and be very mobile at the frontlines. We allready have force fields everywhere at Eberron.
(Why Two handed ? The reach; not the weight. The cost is no shield or a secondary weapon to strike or parry with, at close up contact)
If it is the shape. The qualified technology behind the Force field and weapons for sure could reshape it and would make it look like an ordinary outfit for the warrior.
Back to Eberron.
This is Eberron.
(Some Horc/Gamorrean parody)