Quote Originally Posted by janave View Post
  • Greater Manyshot (Cone or Chain based ranged attack?)

(dedication/bond to a single weapon and all that...)
I've thought about this too - more geometries for ranged AOE besides just the linear IPS. That's a possibility for Fighter feats too - essentially give them Cone or Chain Shape from Warlock, but with their ranged weapon attacks. It'd be a lot of fun. I see it more as a stance feat (exclusive with IPS, and with the same requirements) than a clicky like Manyshot though.

However, I'd envisioned it more for Bow archery - make them Bow-specific stances, to help define more of a niche for Bow archery. Xbows give you single target and linear AOE, but bows could give you cone, chain, or circular AOE, making both good situationally. I think that's a more important role to define than just ranged Kensei.

And there's possibility for some synergy with Occult Slayer there too, since they actually DO have Weapon Bonding. And OS is definitely the worst of the three Barb trees.

Quote Originally Posted by lyrecono View Post
What about a uninersal 2hf tree

I've called for this before too - a Brawler tree that specializes in unarmed and Greatclubs, analogous to how VKF specializes in SWF and TWF daggers. That'd open up rolespace for unarmed non-Monks (like Fighters and Barbs, especially), let unarmed pure Monks have 80 AP of enhancements to spend on...and then Greatclubs could be for THF what Xbows became with Inqui, since both THF and Greatclubs are currently underserved.

Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post
I do agree that fighters should be boosted, but I do not think we need new feats. Just increase the boni on the feats they have already.

Give the defensive feats more AC, PRR and MRR.

Give the offensive feats more melee and ranged power, and crit range / multiplier bonus.
The current feats need a little love, yes...but that's true regardless of whether new feats are added or not.

But that doesnt change the issue that there just arent enough options for a pure fighter. Its analogous to the old Enhancement system where there was just one linear path. Fighters have one suite of choices to follow up as they unlock....there's no real tradeoff or customization. Having a suite of playstyle-specific feats to choose from would let you specialize your build to that playstyle, which to me seems quintessential to what a Fighter is.