hello, i was in a group runnin house Js and i used porter to travel to house K for next quest. then i got stuck in loadscreen, which was fully loaded. then i reset client and now im always getting stuck at 'Checking Product 44%'
any suggestions?
hello, i was in a group runnin house Js and i used porter to travel to house K for next quest. then i got stuck in loadscreen, which was fully loaded. then i reset client and now im always getting stuck at 'Checking Product 44%'
any suggestions?
Proud officer of The Balance, in Khyber
Robopew / Kormah / Sokin / Dhona / Thendrik / Tightpants / Altab / Screamforme / Oohshift / Evermissing
The in game area you were in wouldnt affect the loading and checking the product.
If you mean its stiuck while loading the server selection then it must be a client issue probably fastest to reinstall the client.
Its a good idea to back up the game folder for this reason then its much faster to see if its a client issue.