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  1. #1
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default The wandering man

    This enhancement tree builds a specialist adventuring man who refuses to use any item before reaching level 20. He can use items after level 20.

    You take good care of yourself with the loot and monster (define monster) meat. You respect yourself and others who do not oppose you. The world is yours to be discovered and to be wandered. You do not know where you come from. Where you are going to. You have learned alot ofthings. Less than you have allready forgotten...You just keep walking...

    You get 1 ability point for each point spent at the tree of your life time.

    You gain +10 hitpoints for every level and +10 hitpoins for every action point spent at the enhanement tree.

    You gain +3 healing amplification for every point spent at the tree.

    +%1 movement speed for each point spent at the tree.

    You get evasion

    +1 to hit and +3 damage for each point spent at the tree. +%1 attack speed and doublehit for each point spent at the tree. You can only use Plain Clubs and Great clubs as weapons or bare fists. +0.5W for every point spent at the tree.

    10 second cool down special attack: You can throw clubs and greatclubs. Area of effect around self +0.5 W damage for each character level (up to level 20)

    +1 damage resistance (block) and natural armor class for each point spent at the tree. +%1 damage reduction for each level.

    %1 dodge and +1 to all saves for eah point spent at the tree.

    +1 to all skills for each point spent at the tree.

    +1 to all elemental and spell type resistance for each oint spent at the tree.

    +%1 Blurr for each point spent at the tree.

    You deflect arrows

    Level 12 and further: You are immune to Death effects and Negative levels. Immune to all non damaging spell effects.

    You can not multiclass (have no class and no feats) you can not spend any points at another tree. The class you pick at the start is neutralised and only avessel to the Wandering man enhancement tree. You can not start with Iconic characters.

    You are not a druid nor a monk. You are not a villain. You are not a hero.

    If your character dies it restarts the game as level 1.
    Last edited by Kutalp; 12-11-2019 at 05:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I like the concept, dunno about the numbers, but this sounds like a lot of fun, a sort of survival build that cant gear up to full. However it may be hard to fit into existing systems. Another thing I could see perhaps is say some cores and t5s have a multi selector that disable a gear slot while granting a large advantage.

    eg: Disable Bracers slot but get Evasion; Disable boots but get +10 max armor dodge cap (or the uncanny dodge feat). Disable gloves to get 20% stacking melee damage.

    So it wouldnt throw away all the items all at once, but let you tetris around a minimal gearset while picking up passive/active boosts instead.

    Probably tough to make it both attractive and balanced

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    So basically, you're a Greatclub fighter with...41 points spent in the tree...+41 to all abilities, +410 HP, +123 Hamp, +41% runspeed, +123 damage, +123 AC, 41% Dodge, +41 to all saves, 41% Concealment, +20.5[W], and immune to all DC and Evadable spells

    In fact, I cant think of any set of gear that would give you nearly that much lol

    Also, what are you supposed to spend your other 39 on if you dont have any access to any other tree? Or is there going to be 80 AP worth of enhancements in this tree? In which case....double all those stats

    Also also, the only 1h named clubs are all scepters - ie casting sticks, there's no "fighting" clubs.
    Last edited by droid327; 12-13-2019 at 04:45 PM.

  4. #4


    I did something like this with in-game tweaking called Songs from the Slums. I ran an entire heroic life without equipping anything (at that time EK was junk and buggy so I had to equip some blank wraps to activate some odd abilities)
    Will post link later
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  5. #5
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    So basically, you're a Greatclub fighter with...41 points spent in the tree...+41 to all abilities, +410 HP, +123 Hamp, +41% runspeed, +123 damage, +123 AC, 41% Dodge, +41 to all saves, 41% Concealment, +20.5[W], and immune to all DC and Evadable spells

    In fact, I cant think of any set of gear that would give you nearly that much lol

    Also, what are you supposed to spend your other 39 on if you dont have any access to any other tree? Or is there going to be 80 AP worth of enhancements in this tree? In which case....double all those stats

    Also also, the only 1h named clubs are all scepters - ie casting sticks, there's no "fighting" clubs.

    Truth in these words,since the enhancement tree is exclusive with items; al except bare hands and vendor clubs without any enhancement level.

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