First off, I want to thank the SSG folks that actively post on the forums. Especially Lynnabel and Cordovan. It lets us know you guys are paying attention and actually care about this game. All of SSG has worked hard to give us a quality game that many folks enjoy playing, and I'm sincerely thankful for all of you.
With that said, could we please get a comment on the lag lots of folks are experiencing and what/if anything is being done about it? Please? Many folks have said they would like to have an update just for working on lag, so it's obviously an issue. It's a big problem for a lot of us and we would love to see the issue fixed/improved.
This isn't meant to start an argument. I just want to have an honest discussion about it and what could possibly be done about it.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I look forward to your replies.
Also, to anyone else who posts here, please keep it respectful. No one wants to discuss anything when people are being rude.