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Thread: To the Devs...

  1. #1
    Community Member dennisck2's Avatar
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    Default To the Devs...

    First off, I want to thank the SSG folks that actively post on the forums. Especially Lynnabel and Cordovan. It lets us know you guys are paying attention and actually care about this game. All of SSG has worked hard to give us a quality game that many folks enjoy playing, and I'm sincerely thankful for all of you.

    With that said, could we please get a comment on the lag lots of folks are experiencing and what/if anything is being done about it? Please? Many folks have said they would like to have an update just for working on lag, so it's obviously an issue. It's a big problem for a lot of us and we would love to see the issue fixed/improved.
    This isn't meant to start an argument. I just want to have an honest discussion about it and what could possibly be done about it.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this. I look forward to your replies.
    Also, to anyone else who posts here, please keep it respectful. No one wants to discuss anything when people are being rude.
    Proud guild gimp of Synergia! Adults only. Bring beer. Pants optional.

  2. #2
    Community Member sago's Avatar
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    Unhappy Woah.

    I started a thread trying to discuss the increase in lag. Hoping folks will post and we can get this all figured out. if anyone cares.

    Sorry man, I guess no one but me cares.
    Last edited by sago; 12-10-2019 at 10:06 AM.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Nyata's Avatar
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    Oh I care. lots. but honestly it seems pointless to start yet another lag thread or post on it because... you know.. the definition of insanity

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyata View Post
    because... you know.. the definition of insanity
    Is quoting that for years and expecting people to change their behaviour?

  5. #5
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    It's not an exaggeration to say that we have people working on lag every update, but we have extra people (myself included) looking into it right now as we know there have been issues lately that increase in severity the longer we go between restarts. We are tracking a specific source of game performance issues right now that we believe is a significant contributor, but we don't have any specific information to give out at this time (hence why we've been pretty quiet about it - heads down, working on it). When we do have info to share, we'll be sure to let you know.
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
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    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sago View Post
    I started a thread trying to discuss the increase in lag. Hoping folks will post and we can get this all figured out. if anyone cares.

    Sorry man, I guess no one but me cares.
    The players care, but do the devs?

  7. #7
    Pale Fox
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    Quote Originally Posted by Discpsycho View Post
    Is quoting that for years and expecting people to change their behaviour?
    Well, I guess the OP deserves the forum title of The Colonel (KFC reference) now that Sev has answered. :P

  8. #8
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Default Oh my...

    Quote Originally Posted by Justicesfury View Post
    The players care, but do the devs?
    Really? If the Devs didn't care they would not continually be working on content, patches and server restarts. There is a comment in this thread to reassure all of us that they are aware and work on lag all the time. There is no need to be so brutal or non-civilized, just WOW.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    We are tracking a specific source of game performance issues right now that we believe is a significant contributor, but we don't have any specific information to give out at this time (hence why we've been pretty quiet about it - heads down, working on it). When we do have info to share, we'll be sure to let you know.

    Oh God...its horses, isn't it? Everyone moving around with such high runspeed is forcing the servers to send information a lot faster than it used to, and the increased throughput is causing lag everywhere else.

    Mount nerf incoming Told them they should've gone with more teleporters instead...

  10. #10
    Community Member Jaysun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    It's not an exaggeration to say that we have people working on lag every update, but we have extra people (myself included) looking into it right now as we know there have been issues lately that increase in severity the longer we go between restarts. We are tracking a specific source of game performance issues right now that we believe is a significant contributor, but we don't have any specific information to give out at this time (hence why we've been pretty quiet about it - heads down, working on it). When we do have info to share, we'll be sure to let you know.
    We all appreciate the staff trying to figure out where the lag is coming from and trying to neutralize it but even in your post you state that this new source is just increasing what has already been there. Could we please get an update on what is being done now or in the future to get rid of the lag entirely? Is it the servers? Is it the client? The majority of players here are over 30 and have had our own career and life problems. We understand the cost and issues it takes to run a business ect. I had hoped that the season pass that was offered last year that a good portion of that money would of been to upgrade the hardware/software but seems it was mostly spent on Sharn (which is a great xpac) but id be willing to buy a season pass if I knew it was being used to focus on the lag...or heck even a kickstarter as long as it was to focus on the lag!

    I know that seems extreme because we already pay for a game and it should just be taken care of..but it has been 8+ years of lag that just gets worse each year, so I am even willing to support a kickstarter if I was ensured it was being used for lag (any extra goals achieved could be used toward the development of the game). Maybe we can fix the lag out on the ladder bug:P

    I am being serious...I would donate money to fix the lag..that is how much we like the game and want it to just RUN well. We are tired of having to complete missions with unique ways to avoid the lag..or ensure we only recruit 4 people instead of 12 because anything more then 5 = locked up.

  11. #11
    Community Member Lithalan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Oh God...its horses, isn't it? Everyone moving around with such high runspeed is forcing the servers to send information a lot faster than it used to, and the increased throughput is causing lag everywhere else.

    Mount nerf incoming Told them they should've gone with more teleporters instead...
    Mounts being the problem wouldn't surprise me at all. I've noticed lag spikes since that update that I never used to get. More teleporters and wilderness quest teleport guys would have been a better idea, especially if mounts really are the problem.

  12. #12
    Systems Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Oh God...its horses, isn't it?
    Not even close, good guess though.
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  13. #13
    Hero Noir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Not even close, good guess though.
    Oh no. It's the combination of using a runearm with a single shot crossbow in each hand isn't it?

    ( Joke tag insert here ) Inquisative nerf incoming ( /Joke tag insert )
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    "I'm beginning to think a lot of people play this game because it's cheaper than paying for a Dominatrix."
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  14. #14
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    If I had to make a SWAG as to where the majority of lag comes from, it would be monster pathing. That is, calculating how an active mob finds its target. The more mobs you have to do that for, the harder the server CPU has to churn. I don’t know about everybody else, but when I get on my horse and ride, I don’t stop unless I am forced to. That means every mob between me and the quest is now trying to figure out how to get to me. The fact that I let them live, means the server gets to die. That’s just a theory mind you.

    I also believe there are occasions when pathing algorithms go into infinite CPU sucking loops. You can see it in Thunderholme with a large group. Everything will be fine, then blam, it will grind to a halt. Something dire happens on the server. My theory is that the pathing algorithms are stuck in some kind of tight loop that they can’t get out of until one or more of the player targets DCs. If SSG could isolate this issue, I bet it would solve all kinds of lower grade issues. Plus it’s super easy to recreate.

  15. #15
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    If I was to take a guess, lag seems to be a continuing issue so my guess
    is that the lag problem stems from the game engine itself.

    only a guess

    good luck with it though.
    we hope fixes are possible.

  16. #16
    Community Member Nyata's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bracelet View Post
    If I had to make a SWAG as to where the majority of lag comes from, it would be monster pathing. That is, calculating how an active mob finds its target. The more mobs you have to do that for, the harder the server CPU has to churn. [...]
    That sounds like a perfectly good reason to me to fix stealth detection and do away with true seeing champions because stealth play agros less mobs...

    (can't blame a girl for trying)

  17. #17
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Not even close, good guess though.
    So you are saying that the Warforged have been the cause all along. Excellent!
    The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    It's not an exaggeration to say that we have people working on lag every update, but we have extra people (myself included) looking into it right now as we know there have been issues lately that increase in severity the longer we go between restarts. We are tracking a specific source of game performance issues right now that we believe is a significant contributor, but we don't have any specific information to give out at this time (hence why we've been pretty quiet about it - heads down, working on it). When we do have info to share, we'll be sure to let you know.
    It's ok, you can say it was the halflings
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  19. #19
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaysun View Post
    We all appreciate the staff trying to figure out where the lag is coming from and trying to neutralize it but even in your post you state that this new source is just increasing what has already been there. Could we please get an update on what is being done now or in the future to get rid of the lag entirely? Is it the servers? Is it the client?
    Dude, he said they are aware of it and are working on it and will provide updates as the learn more or find a solution. Additionally he stated that some lag fixes are rolled out with every patch and in some cases the server restarts.

    This explanation and acknowledgement satisfies me 100%. I manage a IT critical response team for a major company and work with multiple lines of services. We inform the masses that an issue is being work and provide high level details. You know kind of like he has done thanks SSG,
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  20. #20
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Not even close, good guess though.
    It's Nat Gann, isn't it? He's trying to use the power of the Chronoscope to return to the marketplace and as a result is sending time ripples out causing temporal distortions to occur. As soon as the he's fully returned to his rightful place then all the lag will go away.

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