Taking a look at ED's I think it was overall positive.

One thing that may want to be looked at is the EA tree vs Magister.

EA was for a long time the superior tree for casters with Magister being used for twists only.

The change to make Magister the superior overall DC caster was IMO a good one. However due to the lack of wisdom as an option puts certain caster types at a significant disadvantage- Druids and Clerics.

It would also be ideal for not everyone to default go to Magister for all dc casters. I would like to see EA have an option in the top core to have a drop down selection to boost 1 dc type by a further +3, I would also like to see core 4 have a +2 selector. This would bring the total DC bonuses +3 to all +3 to 1 school +2 to another or same.

Magister would then be +6 to all dcs, +3 twistable, +3 to specific school
EA would then have +3 to all +3 to a specific, +2 to a specific +3 from Magister twisted- Max 1 pt behind magister to 1 school, 3 points behind on others making Magister still superior overall but allowing others to gain an alternative to it for those wisdom based.