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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default bard songs Suggestion and Mass Suggestion

    The songs are clumsy and not useful. Mass Suggestion is also the highest level class feature for bards. Sad.

    Easy fix:
    * Change them into straight SLAs (that allow metas). Make them cost SP or songs, as you wish. Still not too useful, but at least worth hotbarring.

    Easy fix 2:
    * Ditch the songs, grant a passive bonus to enchantment spells instead.

    Generous fix:
    * Make them a multi-selection SLA: Suggestion OR Hold (Person?).

    Surprising fix:
    * Surprise us with a useful ability with a similar flavor.

  2. #2
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Truman show update

    The point you make here is about the same point about Fighting styles, saves and skill feats and more actually. So not only Bard class and Spellsinger enhancements.

    Players being the forum posters, has a strong point to mention and repeat thread after thread after post.

    [ Players such as myself; being random long time players 'collected' the entire content and shopped alot in time...but nowhere aim to be the powerplayers ; just dreamer nerds who enjoy DDO, wandering through randomly picked quests and afk at times ]

    A considerable number of loyal players (who is nowhere the minority) enjoy the journey itself which is playing and levelling up slowly; instead of hitting 30 and TR as fast as possible. Different servers, different classes and races and enancement/feat the real deal is casually playing and levelling and swapping toons. Giving a short or long break then hitting back the game after sometime is included.

    I hope dear SSG considers revamping the core of the builds which is Level 1-20; instead of sliding the entire balance to Epic levels in the future. We nerds love rediscovering things, rerunning adventures and carve out weirdo combinations.

    There would be no fun to log on and live a Truman show afterall.

  3. #3
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Caster-oriented bard needs a big update overall. My suggestions would also include fixing the bard songs that are supposed to have active effects (which aren't DC-boosted properly, either). I think it should be part of an overall broadening of spellcasting options.

    What I'd also like to see done:

    Add illusion spells like Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, etc. that have a few versions like "shadow blast" or similar. They do force damage, will save negates. (These can be added to the general arcane spell list as well.)

    Change the spellsinger SLA enhancements to grant BOTH of their spell effects, not just ONE.

    Change reverberate to be a cloud-style spell instead of an utterly awful single-target DoT.

    Add an illusion summons that "summons" some short-lived, invulnerable mobs that attack and do force damage.

    Just adding a couple of spells like this would:

    1. Make illusion a viable casting style.
    2. Give caster bards enough variety to be a viable playstyle.

    I'd also like to see more options added for Transmutation (offensive and defensive polymorph-style effects).

    Divination and Abjuration don't really work as schools for a game like this, but there's no reason why the other schools can't all be viable, they just don't have any freakin' spells available.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Caster-oriented bard needs a big update overall. My suggestions would also include fixing the bard songs that are supposed to have active effects (which aren't DC-boosted properly, either). I think it should be part of an overall broadening of spellcasting options.

    What I'd also like to see done:

    Add illusion spells like Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, etc. that have a few versions like "shadow blast" or similar. They do force damage, will save negates. (These can be added to the general arcane spell list as well.)

    Change the spellsinger SLA enhancements to grant BOTH of their spell effects, not just ONE.

    Change reverberate to be a cloud-style spell instead of an utterly awful single-target DoT.

    Add an illusion summons that "summons" some short-lived, invulnerable mobs that attack and do force damage.

    Just adding a couple of spells like this would:

    1. Make illusion a viable casting style.
    2. Give caster bards enough variety to be a viable playstyle.

    I'd also like to see more options added for Transmutation (offensive and defensive polymorph-style effects).

    Divination and Abjuration don't really work as schools for a game like this, but there's no reason why the other schools can't all be viable, they just don't have any freakin' spells available.

    I agree with all of these. The bread and butter of my Caster builds is allways Glitterdust and Conjuration Clouds. Then comes either Lighting spells or Charm and Suggestion pack; very rare Instant kill effect (I find it boring)...Although optional, Discoball is allways nice to slot and use.

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