So I am still going to play, so please don't think otherwise BUT....I thought about giving up 6 times in the past two days. So I am sure there are many that want to come back but soon as they realize if they want to play "endgame" content with high level reaper or elite raids..that it will take MONTHS of work to not be anything more then dead weight. The system is really broken and while I say I am going to play...we will see how I feel in a week.
In most MMO's there is a catch up that is required but it is normally...levels...gear...maybe a key or flag...and then it's raiding. In DDO..since I left they have added 42 racial passlives, 12 more epic passlives, and 6? more Iconic passlives. While I know that they arent all needed, the gap between someone who has most of them and someone starting is insane. If I was maxxed out and played reaper 8-10 all the time and one of my friends decided he wanted to come play with me...a skilled player..and I told him...hey thats great but to be of any use you have to do atleast XX # of pastlives before you can come do the hard content. They would be like...ok NM then. Or its the opposite way, where the max player has to do trival content to help their friend catch up. There is burnout both ways. What is sad though is that there is NO real way to find out WHAT you like in this game without devoting a lot of time to it. What if you started as a caster and then when you finally got into your first didn't like your role of a controller? But thought tanking looked really fun in raids. Now whatever work you put into your character to maximize your barely useable for a tank that focuses on different past lives. Without DC's, spell pen, PRR you are basically only useable in R 1-4 before you just become a burden....and that isn't even counting the reaper experience someone has to farm on TOP of the passlives. Healer IMO is the only spec that can be "useful" with lower requirements but the amount of people who enjoy healing is drastically lower then DPS (tanks are about even).
Few other points...No one likes being carried...knowing they are barely helping.
I can't imagine how raid guilds are in this game. Hey guys raids every Wed/Sunday. "Sorry they released more passlives I am going to be focused on that for the next month". Ok...we will have to pug your spot till you return.
These were just random thoughts but honestly I realized that I was excited two days ago and today I was less motivated to log on...I self-reflected and realized why. Figured I would drop it on paper because I know I am not the only one that gets this way with DDO.
Really hope they figure something out to fix this but since OTTO boxes are cash cows for them...I have my doubts.
But I know there have been a lot of suggestions on how to do this...I'll throw one in the hat that I thought about as I was writting this.
If you are a can choose between the 500 DDO points for the month or an Otto's experience stone (just the stone). This way you can get 1 free racial or heroic pastlive a month. It's not ground breaking but it gives you something to look forward to at the end of the month. Would also motivate some F2P players to subscribe (alts ect). Also make people want to stay subbed in..and open the cash shop to more hearts of wood/blood ect.
Anyhow. Back to the grind because I really want to meet some friends to raid with.