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Nobody is saying that DC casters don't benefit the most from past lives, but they still don't need tons of them to be at near max DCs. What about melee and ranged?
I have a legit first life tempest ranger (0 epic past lives too) that I rolled up to keep at cap for raids. He has a random hodgepodge of tomes, nothing over +5. He is STR based, with a 60-something STR. He can solo R1 sharn as a first life melee. Being an alt focused mainly on Raid DPS, he isn't fully optimized or geared for reaper because that wasn't his purpose. I will concede that soloing R1 sharn is difficult, and sometimes I do die. But if my goal was to play reaper, I could have built/geared him differently and R1-3 would be a breeze. And if you can solo R3, you can contribute in higher reaper groups. No past lives necessary.
All past lives do is give you a bigger margin for error, they aren't the reason someone isn't contributing in a group.
DDO is like anything else in life, different people have different skill levels. Take sports for example. Tons of people enjoy playing sports. Some play with their kids on the weekends, some join rec leagues, some play semi-pro, and very few actually play professionally, but they all love and enjoy their sport. Some people are more naturally gifted, while others spend thousands of hours perfecting their technique. Typically it takes a person with both of those attributes to make it to the professional level.
Unlike professional sports though, DDO has no separation between people playing for fun on the weekend and professional level world class athletes. This whole argument is being based on the assumption that ANYONE that plays DDO should be able to contribute in R10, and that just isn't the case. People get caught up in side issues about pay to win, past lives, etc, and they are forgetting that R10 wasn't designed so that anyone that wants to do it can do it.
I've seen youtube videos of R10 being soloed by Monks, Sorcerers, Bards, melee Rogue, Artificer and Inquisitives. There's probably more, those are just ones I already know about. The amount of viable builds isn't as limited as people make it out to be. Yes some builds are better than others, or are easier to make good than others, but if there's a bard out there soloing R10, there's hope for any class to be effective in R10. People that say you can only play builds x, y, an z in R10 are just as wrong as the people that think having past lives is everything.
This isn't some 'get good' rant, but people do need to realize that everyone isn't at the same skill level. That's just the fact of life. Just because 1 player can solo R10 on a bard, doesn't mean any one that rolls up a bard is going to be able to solo R10. If players feel like they can't contribute at the difficulty they want to play at, they need to take a hard look at their gear and build, because the basics of those 2 things are equally accessible to all DDO players. If you aren't performing the way you'd like to perform at certain difficulties, you should be willing to change things about your build/gear/tactics.
Bard is my favorite class, but I also like doing a lot of DPS. As a player I understand that Bards just don't do the same DPS as a lot of other classes. So first I'll get my gear as perfect as possible. I now have better DPS, but I know it's still well below other builds. At that point, as a player, if I want to do more DPS, my only option is to change my build. All builds have their strengths and weaknesses. Switching out of Bard to do more DPS means I'm giving up other things like buffs, healing, and CC. All of these things are useful though, so when a player complains that "they can't contribute", the way I read that is "I'm not willing to change anything about my playstyle/build/gear so that I can contribute".
In what ways are you not contributing is the question you need to ask yourself. Are you not healing anyone? Are you not CCing anything? Do you have super low DPS? Are you always dead? Each of these has its own first life solution. And yes, as a FIRST LIFE character, your build options will be more limited than someone with lots of past lives. But if you want to be the bard soloing R10, you need to put in some serious time and get all the bells and whistles. If you just want to contribute in high reaper, you have several options that don't require tons of time investment. When players aren't willing to compromise their build/gear/playstyle, that's when threads like this start.
From what I've seen on the forums and in game, players are much quicker to point to lack of past lives as a handicap than actually try to figure out what they can do differently that will yield better results on their part.