Please make it so taking this Epic feat makes your equipped weapon Lawful & Good as well as Rightious for DR purposes... thank you...
Please make it so taking this Epic feat makes your equipped weapon Lawful & Good as well as Rightious for DR purposes... thank you...
Last edited by LargoKeyWest; 12-04-2019 at 10:31 AM.
This Feat among others could use a bump.
10d6 on Vorpal is rather low in Epics by a factor of 5-10.
I would probably suggest another feat for the Good flag, and maybe trading names with that.
Spectral Strike => Ghost Touch + 50d6 Untyped on roll 20
Holy Strike => Weapons gain Good damage type, on roll 20: 50d6 damage vs Evil.
I would just keep Holy Strike as it is, but add Good Alignment to weapons.
Would also like to see Pierce Damage Reduction feats merged into Pierce Metalline.