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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2010

    Default Temple of EE, reverse light gravity not working

    I'm stuck in the Temple of Elemental Evil, 1st part down in the Air Temple. The reverse light gravity is not working. It might be a bug from getting the key and killing the minotaur too quickly (lvl 20) but I'm not sure.

    When I jumped down it looked like I was caught in a quick-replay reverse light gravity effect that kept looping me back a few frames/feet until I hit the up arrow to move out of the effect and floated down. It would be nice to get an in-game teleport so I don't lose my gold seal hirelings.

  2. #2
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by URjustSOL View Post
    I'm stuck in the Temple of Elemental Evil, 1st part down in the Air Temple. The reverse light gravity is not working. It might be a bug from getting the key and killing the minotaur too quickly (lvl 20) but I'm not sure.

    When I jumped down it looked like I was caught in a quick-replay reverse light gravity effect that kept looping me back a few frames/feet until I hit the up arrow to move out of the effect and floated down. It would be nice to get an in-game teleport so I don't lose my gold seal hirelings.
    I have heard of that happening if you kill the bad guy too fast.

    I doubt it will help, but you could try /stuck and see if it moves to the top.

    If you really want you could buy a hire from the DDO store - Mikayl the Pious is a L11 fighter with DDoor. He costs 30 DDO points.
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  3. #3


    As said, you killed the guy too fast
    Take an xp hit and re-enter, try to get quest items that drop down where you left and see if you can float out.
    If not, redo and taunt him a bit before killing him
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Oct 2010


    THX for the suggestions. /stuck didn't work. I just timed out and was in the hall of heroes when I logged back in.

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