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  1. #1
    Community Member OldSchoolDNDGuy82's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Default Old School Adventurers League Looking for Members

    Hail and well met, Adventurers! If ye seek a guild created and run by those who played the pen and paper modules of yore, then I have some good news to share with you. I am now recruiting for my Old School Adventurers League DDO guild, on the Cannith server.

    For a little background, I cut my teeth on 1980's Basic Dungeons & Dragons before moving on to Expert Dungeons & Dragons (The Isle of Dread was my first real module adventure!) and then Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (2nd Edition) before college and life made me quit D&D for what seemed like ages. Now, in the year 2019 it's either D&D 5e or D&D Online. Obviously I chose DDO and I refuse to look back.

    If you are looking for a casual guild, made up of old school pen and paper players, then look no further my friend. I do not care how experienced you are at DDO. You can be a vertan or someone who only just today dowenloaded the game and we can still have a great time going on amazing new adventures together.

    To join just hit me up in DDO. I am known as Velimyr Remfrey, the Cleric. You are free to join and discuss the days when a single Goblin encounter could mean your doom!

    Thank you,
    Velimyr Remfrey
    (Old school D&Der since the 80's)

    PS - Currently it is just me in this guild. So if you're looking a place to fit in you have found it!
    Last edited by OldSchoolDNDGuy82; 11-26-2019 at 12:26 PM.

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