fire protection
what property is exactly on The Club of the Holy Flame??
know how many times i cut myself in the kitchen?
What weapon property would be most useful in a kitchen?
Probably speed. A good kitchen has everything else you need, but making the cook move faster makes it all easier.
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Invulnerability for an apron, and fire resistance for the oven mitts.![]()
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022
Have an Animated knife would make chopping and cutting so much easier.
Doublestrike would cut prep time in half
What magical DDO weapon property would be particularly useful in a real-life kitchen?
Human bane. Stay away from my food!
Sentient? It would prep, cook, and clean...maybe.
I want my coffeebean grinder to be powered by an elemental, that way all I have to do is ask it nicely.
"The body is but a vessel for the soul;
A puppet which bends to the soul's tyrrany.
And lo, the body is not eternal,
For it must feed on the flesh of others,
Lest it return to the dust whence it came.
Therefore must the soul
Deceive, Despise, and Murder men..."
Fire Shield Cool, You will never get burned that way!
Proud Officer of Storm Lords
Invulnerability, with all the keen and alacrity stuff happening some extra protection might be useful.
Keen of Everbight
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
I'm in the everbright camp.
Zyinniah Hazelnut and Curissa Hazelnut on most servers.
I want my meals to turn out like I'm using a knife of Supreme Good. Usually the state of the kitchen after I cook makes one think I was using a knife of Arcane Detonation, however.