Okay, after a somewhat heated debate on discord, I'd figure I'd post the numbers here so they can be perused thoroughly and diachronically.
My argument is this:
The +3 caster levels you get from the T5 ability in Magister gives essentially as much damage as the 30% crit multiplier you get from draconic.
The maths can be seen in this sheet:
Note, everything there is changeable. If you want to have more Spellpower, add more spellpower, if you want more crit chance, add more crit chance. In sheet 2, you find an index/match for the spells, and sheet 3 you find the numbers for the graph. They are counted at 100% crit chance, and 2.65 / 2.95 crit multiplier respectively.
My argument continues thus:
Because the damage is essentially the same (+2% dmg for draconic eb, +4% dmg for magister DBF without counting twist differences. See below), the only differences are then in the other utilities the destinies give. And roughly said, they are these:
Dragon's breath (BIG one, especially for high R. This is why I argue that draconic > magister in high R (8-10)).
You're free to twist better (save 2x T4 twists essentially) (so sense weakness, and something else)
30 spellpower that you can't afford to twist as magister (this means you pull ahead ever so slightly more)
+4 DC Evocation (without twisting 2dc from DI), and +6 DC to all other schools.
-10% spell costs
-15% cooldowns
15% chance to reduce save by 10
I'll concede that the two twists will mean draconic does more damage per cast. And whether you value the 15% cdr or not is a personal choice. My argument is still that the benefits of Mag outweigh the benefits of draconic, even for a nuking sorcerer. For the vast majority of players, a Magister will mean more DPS from the DC. 20% less chance they save your spells for half dmg, or god forbid, 0 dmg, is going to be mean a lot more damage. And if you're prone to soloing, the 6 DC on mass hold will massively impact your performance unless you're running 120+ DC without it on a nuker.
I'm here to dispel the myth that draconic is the end-all be-all destiny for nuking. Whether I have convinced you or not should depend on how you value the benefits of Draconic vs Magister. Not on if you think draconic has more damage than magister. If you think it has (not counting higher DC on magister, or better twists on draconic), show me the math. Or show me where my math is wrong. I'd gladly update the sheet.
I probably missed something you really like in draconic (e.g. wings) or in magister (e.g. capstone clicky). But again, those come down to personal preferences.