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  1. #1
    Community Member rsking's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Question Named Item lists

    is there anyway for me to get a list even if its not formated with whats on what tab in this spot.
    just a list of
    Toon A:
    Toon B:

    cause having 20 plus toons 5 of witch are bank toons which I know 2 of those have run arms which I don't know which ones. and god only knows what items are were on the 16+ other toons short of my 2 mains.... I got almost no idea what toon has what. and i'm trying to make a log of what toon has what in an excell doc so I can stop logging out so much and can just search out what I need and go get it with out having to log out, in, out, in......... get where i'm going with this.

    heck I don't care if its just a wall of text I can sort that out quick like with the wiki. just wanna sort some items and get rid of junk with out having to log out of 20+ characters to find every named item to see what copies I have of them.
    tepidus flamma of amicitia mos usquequaque persevero ustulo in nostrum pectus pectoris pro totus infinitio

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    CS would not be the ones to do this.

    Your best bet would be a fan-built program to scan for that stuff.

    I (try to) keep a simple spread sheet, just a rich-text file that I update irregularly.

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