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  1. #1
    Community Member Elsheran's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Question Modern Crafted Kit

    Looking to craft some essentials and troubleshooter. I want to know opinions on what should be crafted and at what levels. In my main lately I been playing tank builds and I want to start the hamster wheel on my alts on the same server.

    Thinking levels 10, 15, 21, and 26 as gearing points. Maybe level 34 eventually. This is a long-term crafting project.

    Energy Troubleshooters:
    Orb/Shield - Absorption of (Sheltering @10 & 15) Resist and Insightful Resist
    Light/Negative/Poison :
    Orb/Shield - Spell Resistance of Resist and Insightful Resist

    Skill Troubleshooters:
    (looking for advice here)

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Elsheran View Post
    Thinking levels 10, 15, 21, and 26 as gearing points. Maybe level 34 eventually. This is a long-term crafting project.
    These are the same levels I craft sets for my melee builds except for the L10. I have a full set of slavers L8 gear so it beats anything I could craft at L10, but if I didn't have the slavers set I would also craft L10.

    Some exceptions: I have a Green Steel helm I equip from L11-20. I have several boots with speed+parry+augment slot, so these get changed out more often to keep the highest speed+parry stats. At L14 I equip black dragon armor and wear it until L24 (I think) when I use the epic version. Goggles are crafted ML1 with True Seeing, Underwater Action, Alchemical Resistance +1 (from Stone of Change ritual) and an augment slot with Masters Gift. I wear these through L19.
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  3. #3
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fedora1 View Post
    These are the same levels I craft sets for my melee builds except for the L10. I have a full set of slavers L8 gear so it beats anything I could craft at L10, but if I didn't have the slavers set I would also craft L10.

    Some exceptions: I have a Green Steel helm I equip from L11-20. I have several boots with speed+parry+augment slot, so these get changed out more often to keep the highest speed+parry stats. At L14 I equip black dragon armor and wear it until L24 (I think) when I use the epic version. Goggles are crafted ML1 with True Seeing, Underwater Action, Alchemical Resistance +1 (from Stone of Change ritual) and an augment slot with Masters Gift. I wear these through L19.
    ML 25 is epic black dragon scale..

    Quote Originally Posted by Elsheran View Post
    Looking to craft some essentials and troubleshooter. I want to know opinions on what should be crafted and at what levels. In my main lately I been playing tank builds and I want to start the hamster wheel on my alts on the same server.

    Thinking levels 10, 15, 21, and 26 as gearing points. Maybe level 34 eventually. This is a long-term crafting project.

    Energy Troubleshooters:
    Orb/Shield - Absorption of (Sheltering @10 & 15) Resist and Insightful Resist
    Light/Negative/Poison :
    Orb/Shield - Spell Resistance of Resist and Insightful Resist

    Skill Troubleshooters:
    (looking for advice here)

    Any thoughts?
    So here is the thing. If you are leveling your toon(s) up towards epic, you will no doubt encounter gear that can be used for X or Y character. But epic crafting can be expensive. So have you looked at the loot lists for anything that would be beneficial, THEN look at patching the 'gap' with CC, instead of the other way round?

    In regards to the skills of intim, swim, etc, some of it don't sweat it unless you have some points invested in it. Can't be everything at once.

    One route i would recommend, for example, in heroic build. Level 8 get a full 5 piece slavers set for arcane/divine/martial/whatever, and then patch it with Ravenloft. Anything you are missing at ML 10 (Ravenloft), then patch it with CC.

    But the options are much more varied at epic level, though I did try this with one of my alts that was a raider toon, the effect of CC vs named gear at cap, just didn't quite cut it. She had a full makeover, and now uses 0 CC at cap.
    Last edited by ZeeDatRogue; 11-20-2019 at 02:10 PM.
    Orien: Level 400 Cannith Crafter
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  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
    SirValentine's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Elsheran View Post
    Thinking levels 10, 15, 21, and 26 as gearing points. Maybe level 34 eventually. This is a long-term crafting project.
    Personally, I'd probably just do a single level 16-18ish version, then a level 34 version, and not bother about anything before 16 or in-between. For skills, I'd probably just do a 13 and a 34.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

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