Sorry in advance for the wall of text…
Zamsil is about to take Level 18 now. Assassinate has been more fun and more effective that I could have hoped for! This is the DDO I wanted.
My Assassinate is around 53 or so now, which I find is almost always effective at level on Elite. There are obviously some quests that don’t lend themselves to lots of it (large groups of mobs that are perceptive), but for the most part it’s been great, with double Assassinations pretty easy to come by. I can Assassinate through lots of quests, and when the time comes to break stealth and attack, the damage output with dual daggers (now at 100% offhand proc) is really impressing me. I don’t think that Assassinate can ever be OP, because it is SLOW. This happens to work for me, as I’m a solo flower sniffer by nature. But for the XP/min crowd, this playstyle is never going to fly. Which is perfectly fine, but it does make grouping a challenge. If I were a dedicated grouper, I would probably bail on the assassin stuff and just go uber DPS. Notably I’m not playing Reaper, and I am anticipating that Assassinate is going to start to break down in EE due to the huge increase in mob CRs. Still, I’m going to ride this train as long as I can.
Assassin 41 - VKF 29 – and probably TA 11, though still TBD. I’m passing on KtA , which most of you would not, but I played around with Sweeping Strikes earlier and really like it, so I may go for that (thanks forum for the knowledge that it doesn’t break stealth, and thus is awesome!). I’ve always been really intrigued by the TA tree, and I may actually do a stick rogue next life.
I hesitated last night on taking Level 18 because I’m not sure what feat to take. The TWF defense and blocking feats are pretty modest benefits, I feel like I should be getting more for a feat. I’m toying with the ideas of Resilience or the even more boring Toughness.
I am also considering Quick Draw, since throwing daggers are my ranged weapon, but I tested with Blurfingered Gloves last night and saw no increase in attack speed? Does anyone know if Quick Draw is broken, or are the gloves broken? I can take the feat to find out, but I’d rather not waste a re-spec if I can avoid it.
Perhaps the most intriguing is Sap. Here is a thread with LazarusPossum talking about fitting Sap in with Assassinate.
Much like Sweeping Strikes, anything that I can work into a sequence with Assassinate to handle larger mob groups is very desirable. Is Sap working well for any assassin's out there?
Appreciative of any and all advice. Thanks!